Spencer LaBelle and Betsy Powers of SCS Engineers discuss the key updates that multiple industry sectors must now modify in their site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) to comply … Continue reading Illinois EPA Updates NPDES General Industrial Permit
Geologic sequestration projects are a multi-decade commitment with significant technical, regulatory, and financial complexities to consider at the front end. Conducting a feasibility study before pursuing the Class VI UIC … Continue reading Starting Geologic Sequestration Right with Feasibility Expertise
Sports training and coaches help us set clear objectives and convey a compelling vision for ourselves and our teams. Having a common purpose, fostering a sense of motivation, and defining … Continue reading Training for the race
IIAR compliance requires maintenance of paint and insulation on equipment and piping. It is easy to overlook some maintenance items Bill Lape reviews in his latest Epic Fails article. But, … Continue reading Epic Fails: IIAR Compliance: We Need a Better Coat
As governments, industry, and citizens prioritize reducing greenhouse gases, the push for more organic landfill diversion strengthens. With this decarbonization strategy, more regions turn to composting as an alternative destination … Continue reading Meeting Evolving Air Quality Regulations and Permit Requirements for Composting Facilities