RETA Operator Training from the Comfort and Safety of Home

May 13, 2020

No airplanes, trains, buses, taxis, or Uber required.

SCS Engineers has been working diligently these past few weeks to bring online training to you. With our Tracer team’s dedication, we are excited to let you know, SCS is offering these online classes:

  • Ammonia Refrigeration Operator I & II,
  • Intro and Advanced PSM/RMP/GDC,
  • CARO Review,
  • CIRO Review, and
  • Custom classes

Use our online program to safeguard your operators’ continued compliance education for Process Safety Management and Risk Management Program regulations.

Check out the classes here and register to reserve your spot with one of our in-house RETA Authorized Instructors (RAI).


reta certification training






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am