Brownfields, Due Diligence, Economic Development: Petco Park and the East Village Redevelopment Area

The Phoenix AwardThe East Village Redevelopment Area is 26 blocks in downtown San Diego. The area was environmentally impaired from commercial and industrial uses dating back to the late 1800s. Remediation of environmental damage was necessary before construction could begin on the stadium.

Petco park before
Area before


SCS also provided services to CCDC, now Civic San Diego, on over 175 parcels owned by 100+ property owners. CCDC acquired several properties through condemnation actions asking SCS to review and verify that other acquired site assessments and remediation met CCEC and regulatory agency requirements.

Petco park after
Area now

Assessments and remediation involved geophysical surveys, sampling plans, site assessment with direct-push drill rigs and mobile labs, exploratory trenching, in situ groundwater sampling, soil vapor surveys, installing and developing groundwater monitoring wells. SCS also used x-ray fluorescence, one of the first uses of wavelength-dispersive spectroscopies in the field for more cost and time-efficient screening of the soil for lead contamination.

SCS completed all assessment and remediation activities between demolition and the start of construction activities, finishing two weeks ahead of schedule and on-budget. SCS was instrumental in revitalizing this area, resulting in the construction of Petco Park, home to the San Diego Padres.

SCS provided these technical services:

Phase I and II assessments, including a multi-volume Phase I assessment of 35 blocks.
Area-wide master work plan.
Property mitigation plans.
Health and safety plans.
Community health and safety plan.
Health risk assessments and site conceptual models.
Risk-based corrective action levels.
Cost recovery assistance under the Polanco Redevelopment Act.
Litigation support and expert witness testimony.
Obtaining lead agency designation for DEH from Cal-EPA.
Mitigating approximately 48,000 tons of contaminated soil from 19 city blocks.
Quality-control of acquired environmental assessments.


Brownfields and Remediation Services

Environmental Due Diligence and All Appropriate Inquiries