This module collects and efficiently organizes groundwater monitoring and maintenance data providing those responsible for environmental compliance with a reliable, consistent and cost-effective way to manage, view, and assess large volumes of information.
Traditionally, groundwater monitoring and compliance services are long-term and expensive tasks that generate an enormous amount of monitoring and laboratory data. SCS’s groundwater application, SCS Groundwater™, offers an efficient tool to monitor and manage the data associated with operations and reporting requirements for various sites, including at active or closed landfills, plants, and impact sites such as former dry cleaners or industrial facilities with established monitoring programs. The application also monitors and manages data effectively for clean groundwater applications such as groundwater basin management projects consistent with standard protocol under state and federal environmental compliance rules.
The application’s primary value is enabling users to set up a detailed monitoring plan for any number of events, including the sampling points to include and what analyses to perform at each point. Once the information upload is complete, the application checks incoming data against the plan to determine if all work is completed.
Mapping functions permit data display on facility maps, including a selection of events, parameters, or other factors for visual display.
The application then generates reporting components such as data tables, charts, graphs, and maps for compliance, reporting, and finding trends. For example, a landfill operator or Brownfield site compliance manager could upload historical monitoring data results, view the data trends over time, and then produce report tables and figures. The operator can also use the data in other applications for additional analysis or visualization.
Efficient and consistent data collection means better quality control, fewer violations, and less costly operations. The application is a relational data management system specifically designed for groundwater management. In addition to its primary function, other time-saving features include:
Accepts groundwater and related data from a variety of sources including historical data files, field data, laboratory analysis data;
Data comparisons between media such as Landfill Gas (LFG), leachate, groundwater, when used with other SCSeTools® modules;
Standardized and custom tables and graphs for faster more efficient compliance reporting;
Accommodates Data Collection Point (DCP) formats for building monitoring network data, such as types of wells, latitude and longitude of the wells, construction information including the elevation of the well screen interval, and surveyed measuring point elevation, which allows for more in-depth data evaluation;
Laboratory Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) functionality enables users to upload analysis data from the laboratory;
Standardized data output reports include data tables for water levels, field data, laboratory analyses, and standardized time-series graphs for data presentation;
Mapping functions permit data display on facility maps, including a selection of events, parameters, or other factors for visual display;
A centralized data management system allows multiple, approved users to access and use the data without data “drift” between separate data-set users.
A user interface enables users to search and sort the database to evaluate data and to develop customized reports, tables, graphs, and maps based on their data searches;
The rules section allows users to establish compliance rules, such as established regulatory limits, and display exceedances of established limits. This function integrates with the functionality within other SCSeTools® applications, such as the LFG application, known as SCS DataServices®;
Data export capabilities for statistical analyses, data contouring, and mapping, 3-D figure generation, or other detailed analysis are in common standardized formats;
SCSGroundwater™ is easier to use than customized Access databases and more functional than Excel managed data.
Data templates for gathering field data, manually and recorded on hand-written forms or electronically using a compatible mobile device will launch soon.