ammonia refrigeration training

November 23, 2021

RETA certification
Congratulations, Bengie.


That turkey doesn’t get to the table without a lot of help. the Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) is the most recognized organization in the country dedicated to the professional development of industrial refrigeration operators and technicians. These are the people who help keep food cold and safe! SCS Engineers recently celebrated two SCS Tracer professionals at RETA’s 2021 National Conference.

Eric Girven
Thanks, Eric!

Eric Girven was honored with the Guy R. King Memorial Award for his outstanding performance educating and training RETA members to operate ammonia refrigeration systems safely and efficiently. Mr. Girven is a Project Manager and an Ammonia Refrigeration Advisor in SCS’s Tracer Environmental practice. Very active in RETA and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, Eric is an industrial refrigeration process safety management, risk management, and energy management, expert. He conducts mechanical integrity inspections, process hazard analysis, compliance audits and is a certified industrial refrigeration instructor.

Bengie Branham, pictured above, joins Daryl Davis, Eric Girven, and Gene Dumas as RETA Authorized Instructors. Our SCS colleagues are highly qualified trainers for RETA’s credentialing program. There are only 23 RAI-certified trainers in the country. Each works tirelessly to help operators and technicians learn and certify themselves to run ammonia refrigeration systems safely.  Learn more about education and certification here.


We’re proud of our fellow SCSers and thankful to work with them as they protect the health and safety of others while getting food safely to your Thanksgiving dinner table and to those in need. Happy Thanksgiving!






Posted by Diane Samuels at 10:17 am