
July 18, 2023

Get ready for the Florida Redevelopment Association’s 2023 Annual Conference, October 25-27, at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
The exhibit hall will be open October 25-26.

Look for SCS Engineers’ environmental professionals Kirk Blevins and Amy Guilfoyle to answer your environmental questions.

Posted by Laura Dorn at 1:29 pm

May 29, 2023

SCS Engineers - Environmental Consultants
SCS Engineers welcomes Susan Robertson and Julia Hunter to our environmental consulting team in St. Louis.


SCS Engineers welcomes two experienced environmental consulting professionals to our St. Louis regional office.

Susan Robertson, MBA, is Senior Project Manager. Robertson’s comprehensive environmental due diligence and remedial work rejuvenates prime commercial properties back to health while supporting municipal and private industries’ plans for economic redevelopment.

In the environmental industry for nearly 20 years, Susan has worked on a wide range of consulting projects, including environmental due diligence Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments. She performs Indoor Air Quality and radon assessments, lead-based paint, and asbestos inspections.

Susan is known for her Brownfield-Voluntary Cleanup Program work under the Missouri Department of Natural Resources¹, Illinois EPA Tiered Approach to Corrective Action, and Missouri Risk-Based Corrective Action risk assessments and historic preservation projects under the Missouri Department of Economic Development².

Julia Hunter is an SCS Project Professional. Julia has five years of experience in environmental consulting, primarily performing environmental due diligence for commercial and telecommunications clients nationwide. She has a Master of Science in Environmental Geoscience from St. Louis University.

Hunter uses the highest standards of care in her due diligence and building sciences investigations, analyzing the data to determine if a property is feasible for its proposed use and future requirements to speed the closure process and ensure no surprises.

“The service these two women perform for our clients is strategic and comprehensive,” states Rachel McShane, SCS – St. Louis project director. “The results of their work help determine the true value of a property before purchase, and if there are any environmental or health concerns, how to remediate them.”


Additional Resources:


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

May 24, 2023

SCS Engineers Voluntary Remediation
Melissa Schick helps develop valuable economic and natural resources for communities.


SCS Engineers welcomes Melissa Schick to the environmental firm’s Brownfields and Voluntary Remediation practice, which works nationwide, supporting municipal and public/private sector ventures to remediate previously thought unusable properties back to life.

These properties are not exclusively but often found in urban areas with existing supporting infrastructure. New technologies and environmental processes can turn these well-situated properties safe again for almost any redevelopment purpose, whether housing, recreational facilities, retail/office, or logistics centers.

Schick brings her knowledge of state and federal brownfield redevelopment and voluntary remediation cleanup program regulations. She specializes in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Regions 3, 4, and 6, supporting the grant application process or overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants which provide funds for municipalities to redevelop sites.

Since brownfields and voluntary remediation create valuable economic and natural resources for communities, clients find her experience coordinating communications, outreach, and educational events helpful. As this work demands, Schick often focuses on improving the communications between private developers, regulatory agencies, community leaders, and other partners to smooth project implementation, keeping projects on track and within budget.

“Importantly, Melissa is an ethical and caring person whose work in communities matters to her,” states Kirk Blevins, SCS Project Director. “As a local environmental engineering and consulting firm, she enhances our national practice as a detail-oriented resource to augment communications, outreach, and reporting for comprehensive and cohesive project success.”

Schick has professional affiliations with the Florida Brownfield Association – Board of Directors, the Society of American Military Engineers, and the Florida Association of Environmental Professionals.

We welcome you to learn more about Melissa Schick’s work, background, and education in land remediation services on the SCS website.


Additional Resources:


Posted by Diane Samuels at 8:50 am

May 9, 2023

recycling conferenceThe Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) is hosting its annual California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) in Carson, California, September 26-28.  This year’s event theme is “People, Partnerships, Progress.” SCS Engineers is a Visionary Sponsor and will have these experts presenting at the conference.

Please stop by our booth to discuss the various land recycling possibilities for your site, funding, and permitting. We are exceptionally proud of our relationship with CCLR, and our clients who are winning Phoenix, EBJ, and other awards for their valuable contributions to their communities.


Mike McLaughlinShould it Stay or Should it Go? In-situ vs. Ex-situ Solutions with Michael McLaughlin of SCS Engineers, Senior Vice President of Environmental Services and National Specialist on Brownfields & Landfill Redevelopment
Tuesday, September 26th at 3:15 PM in the Community Hall Section A

With numerous approaches and examples of pilot studies, innovative technologies, and work done to execute alternatives to excavation, this session will help you overcome the practical challenges of sustainable remediation. With an overview of conducting pilot tests and examples of innovative technologies, this session will help project managers and site owners take the next steps in bringing innovative sustainable solutions to clean up contaminated sites and answer the question, can in-situ technologies be used to avoid costly excavation and disposal?


Jim RitchieGetting to the Finish Line: Navigating Projects Through the Water Board Process with Jim Ritchie, Vice President, SCS Engineers.
Wednesday, September 27th at 10:30 am  in the Community Hall Section A

We aim to get your remediation or brownfields project done sustainably, meeting economic and environmental goals such as the mission of the Water Boards to preserve the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water to protect the environment, public health, and beneficial uses. Join Jim and company to learn the best practices.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 and the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) Office of Brownfields are co-collaborators of this conference.


Get more information or register for the California Land Recycling Conference.






Posted by Laura Dorn at 2:35 pm

April 17, 2023

SCS Engineers - St. Louis Region
Rachel McShane joins SCS’s St Louis regional environmental due diligence team.


SCS announces that Rachel McShane, a licensed environmental professional, is now working on the firm’s St Louis due diligence team. She is supporting the growing demand for SCS’s due diligence and brownfields redevelopment and remediation services in the region. McShane comes to SCS with nearly 20 years of experience, with particular expertise in Phase I and II environmental site assessments for both public and private sector markets, as well as client and personnel management.

McShane is a welcome addition to SCS’s clients who require due diligence services. “Lenders and developers need to understand what kinds of liability they may have if they’re lending on or buying a piece of commercial real estate. As CERCLA and state laws dictate, they may be responsible for some or all costs associated with cleaning up or mitigating property contamination. A solid, ASTM-compliant Phase I will give them a thorough background on the regulatory and development history of a given site and surrounding area,” states McShane.

Commercial developers and lenders depend on environmental professionals to use U.S. EPA rules and state regulations that prove they have conducted all appropriate inquiries regarding the property at the time of acquisition.

McShane explains: “An AAI-compliant Phase I ESA confers CERCLA liability protection and helps assure you know what you’re getting into when taking on a new loan or buying a new property. Even if a client is not particularly concerned about a given site being potentially eligible for entry into the Superfund program, it still behooves them to know what other contaminants could be present, as even minor releases can sometimes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to address.”

Welcome to SCS Engineers, Rachel!


Additional Resources at a Glance






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

March 17, 2023

Join SCS Engineers professionals at the 2023 Annual Florida Brownfields Conference, June 19-21, at Avanti International Resort in Orlando, Florida.

The Florida Brownfields Conference always brings great information from industry experts.  The Call for Abstracts was extended through Friday, May 19. Organizers are seeking presentations on

  • Innovations in the Brownfields Industry (Technology, Project Implementation, Community Outreach, and/or Planning)
  • Brownfields Funding and Incentives (Opportunity Zones, State Brownfield Incentives, and/or Leveraging Funding Sources for Brownfield Projects)
  • Emerging Contaminants of Concern and How These are Managed
  • Brownfields Lessons Learned and/or Lifecycles of Successful Brownfields Projects
  • Environmental Justice (Community Health Improvements through Brownfields Redevelopment and/or Equitable Development, and/or Workforce Development as an Environmental Justice Catalyst)
  • Brownfields Projects addressing Climate Change, Sustainability, and Renewable Energy


Registration is now open.  For registration information and more details as the conference takes shape, click here.

Hope to see you there!


Posted by Laura Dorn at 11:32 am

January 16, 2023

SCS Engineers Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists
Always active, Amy is shown here attending a Brownfields conference.


Executing Brownfield Redevelopment 

Green spaces are dwindling rapidly as real estate development forges ahead; meanwhile, a plentiful inventory of brownfields lie idle or underused that have great potential to become vibrant, revenue-generating resources.

Well-executed brownfield redevelopment projects make the most of existing infrastructure, leaving green spaces green. They create jobs and increase property values. They improve the health and safety of the environment and people. And turning former liabilities into neighborhood jewels cultivates a spirit of goodwill among residents.

As developers and governments realize the benefits, old gas stations, defunct factories, and closed landfills are among the properties redeveloped into community parks, retail, industrial, or mixed-use properties to become productive assets.

But while communities and private investors can reap tremendous payoffs, successfully repurposing brownfields can be complicated. They may be laden with hazardous substances and other contaminants from past uses, calling for specialized technical expertise to ensure sustainable environmental and financial outcomes.


Meet Amy Guilfoyle 

SCS Engineers’ Amy Guilfoyle has been deeply rooted in brownfield redevelopment work for 20 years, supporting plans to ensure projects are technically sound, on time, and on budget.

Groundwater and soil assessment and remediation are her primary focus. Her job involves more than these essential tasks—from helping local governments apply for U.S. EPA Brownfield assessment and cleanup grants and voluntary cleanup state tax credits to ensuring and documenting regulatory compliance.

When Amy was a new biology graduate, she was not sure exactly what career direction she would choose until she got a full taste of fieldwork with an environmental focus.

SCS Engineers Brownfields Redevelopment
Amy working onsite.

“I like working on practical solutions to our clients’ day-to-day problems. And I like the creativity involved in finding and developing the best options in each case. Every scenario is unique, challenging you to keep the wheels in your mind turning,” she says.

Guilfoyle’s work typically begins with a Phase I Environmental Assessment, entailing an inspection of the property and a review of documents to evaluate for potentially hazardous pollutants and contamination. She will move on to a Phase II Environmental Assessment, depending on her findings, collecting and analyzing soil and groundwater samples to determine concentrations, locations, and other details to inform what may become her next course. The results help lead her team in developing and executing a rigorous cleanup strategy to meet regulatory standards.

The practiced brownfields veteran has her work cut out for her, especially on her dedicated turf; the state of Florida, whose groundwater and soil quality standards are even more rigorous than the U.S. EPA’s. Guilfoyle must not only stay on top of stringent regulatory demands but know how to strategically approach complex challenges tied to the region’s unique physical conditions.

“For one, as we monitor and plan remediation, we consider soil characteristics. Like much of the Southeast part of the country, Florida is sandy, making it easier for contaminated water and materials to move through the ground than in rocky areas,” she explains.

“Additionally, we give careful thought to the fact that the water table is shallow, which means saturated soil is close to the land surface, increasing the risk for groundwater contamination.”

Protecting groundwater is the most meaningful work she can do in her eyes.

“Keeping groundwater clean is so important to our public health and safety, as it is the major source of drinking water,” Guilfoyle says.


Sizing up cleanup options

In determining the best method to tackle soil and water impacts, she considers multiple variables: regional standards, the proposed use of the property, and clients’ overall goals.

Every success story hinges on protecting human health and the environment while keeping an eye on the bottom line—economics.

“Our clients are taking on huge projects that can have substantial cleanup costs. Our priority is to develop solutions that limit their out-of-pocket costs and liability. But doing it more effectively, so the outcome is a rich resource that serves communities well into the future,” Guilfoyle says.

A solid understanding of regulations is key to delivering sound technical and financially feasible outcomes.

She exemplifies this, beginning with a recent approach involving removing contaminated soil and using the nonimpacted soil as part of a pond construction to expand stormwater holding capacity.

“In this scenario, you save on the cost to transport hundreds of tons of soil and put it to use to build out existing infrastructure. Also, fewer trucks are coming in and out of the site, mitigating a nuisance and greenhouse gases.

“In other scenarios, we have been able to negotiate cleanup levels above the standard by providing documentation to show they are sufficient for full compliance.”


Forging industry relationships through professional engagements

Guilfoyle knows the agencies well through her work at SCS and professional engagements beyond.

Among her involvement, she’s a board member of the Florida Brownfields Association (FBA), supporting educational and outreach efforts and legislative initiatives to secure funding for cleanup projects.

She serves on the Florida Association of Environmental Professionals (FAEP) board, reporting business activity to local chapter members.

She lends her expertise as a board member for Metropolitan Environmental Training Alliance (METRA), promoting free and low-cost training on hazardous waste management requirements and other environmental regulations.

Outside her leadership roles in industry organizations, she finds time for her passion—telling others about the environmental industry. She has been involved with teaching Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts at Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) events and introducing college students to job opportunities in these disciplines.

“It’s important to provide a real role model in science and introduce youth to the wide range of job opportunities.  We need more sharp young minds. And we especially need more women in environmental sciences,” Guilfoyle says.

“We have done good work. But we have more ahead of us. We will continue making progress by increasing youths’ awareness of what we do and why we do it–and by educating and supporting industry organizations.”


Brownfield Redevelopment Resources, Funding, Careers:






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

January 1, 2023

SCS Engineers


Donald Barfield (Don) joins SCS Engineers as a Project Director specializing in environmental assessment and brownfield remediation, the first step in returning damaged sites and property to productive use. Barfield brings AAI expertise developed at over 2,000 assessments and brownfield projects throughout the United States and globally, keeping them on schedule and budget.

“Don’s proven track record fits our aim to create sustainable environmental solutions. Our consulting engineer teams include members with field and financial experience to create solutions that meet and remain compliant with local, state, and federal policies while economically and socially practical, states Senior Vice President and Southeast Business Director Carlo Lebron.

All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) is a process of evaluating the environmental condition of a property and assessing the likelihood of contamination. Parties must comply with the requirements of the AAI Rule or follow the standards set forth in the ASTM E1527-13 or E1527-21 Standard Practice for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments to satisfy the statutory requirements for conducting all appropriate inquiries.

Today’s commercial property transactions take environmental issues into consideration. Complex laws can impose significant environmental liabilities on purchasers, sellers, and lenders, whether or not they caused the problem and whether or not they still own the property.

Don brings years of experience helping municipalities, developers, and industrial clients prepare and submit EPA Brownfield Assessment and Cleanup Grants, including the compliance reporting and due diligence associated with making these projects successful for communities and businesses. His project experience includes due diligence and risk reviews for large acquisitions or mergers and the assessment and development of closure plans for RCRA Regulated Units.

“Sustainability and environmental compliance are important factors in moving projects forward while protecting communities,” says Don. “There are funding, grants, tax credits, and incentives available now. In Florida, the Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit Program could support mixed-use developments and potential partnerships right now.”

Barfield is an LEED® Accredited Professional, HAZWOPER Certified, and an ASTM Environmental Professional. He earned his MBA at the University of North Florida and a BS in Biology at Jacksonville University.

SCS Engineers’ environmental solutions and technology directly result from our experience and dedication to industries responsible for safeguarding the environment as they deliver essential services and products. For more information about joining us, please visit the SCS Engineers website, or watch our video to see what we can do for your business and community.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

October 28, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Jen Morton of SCS Engineers, Mel Landy and Matt Cook of Nova Engineering, Stephen Swiecicki of Community HousingWorks, Scott Darnell of Darnell Capital Management, and Chuck Evans of Highland at the Dreambuilders event.


I’ve always felt good about my work as an environmental geologist, but nothing has moved me as much as attending the CHW Dreambuilders event last week. I’ve worked on affordable housing projects in the past and have been involved in environmental assessment and developing and implementing plans for cleaning up contamination to prepare a property for redevelopment. But I had never before been able to hear from the people whom these projects benefit. The Dreambuilders Gala, held at Humphreys By The Bay, was a night of smiles and tears of joy, where we were able to hear the stories of struggling families who were provided with homes; children who were able to have a safe place to sleep and play; a teenage girl who had her own room for the first time. The story that affected me the most was about Tony, a grandfather who had struggled with mental health issues and now has a home where his grandchildren can visit him. He was positive and joyful as he spoke of how his neighbors all knew his grandkids!

Community HousingWorks is a nonprofit organization that develops and operates affordable housing communities throughout California. Not only does the organization provide housing to family, seniors, and people with disabilities, they provide additional services to help residents thrive. Financial planning programs, after-school and summer study programs, and healthy living programs are offered to residents, and scholarships are available to youth and adults for postsecondary education.

SCS has been involved with many of the Community HousingWorks developments throughout San Diego County, including family housing projects such as Ulric Street Apartments and the currently under-development Cortez Hill Apartments; North Park Seniors Apartments; and Paseo Artists Village, providing housing for artists as well as a resident art gallery and studio.

I feel so proud to work for a company that is involved in this type of work; not only are we making the land healthy and safer for residents, we are contributing to changing the lives of fellow community members and generations to come!

You can help too!



Jennifer Morton is a licensed professional geologist working at SCS Engineers. Her work with environmental engineers leads to the development of remediation systems used to clean up soil and groundwater and develop site mitigation plans that help keep communities safe from contamination. And like many SCSers, she has a passion for helping others.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 8:58 am

October 11, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
EPA anticipates awarding a total of 73 Cleanup Grants for an estimated $60 million. Fund your Brownfields projects.


The FY 2023 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now available (go to Open Solicitations). The application submission deadline is November 22, 2022.

Please see the link below for Multipurpose, Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup (MARC) Grant Application Resources:

From the official guidance:

  • Brownfields Cleanup Grants
    • Cleanup Grants provide funding to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the applicant. An applicant may only submit ONE Cleanup Grant application in the FY23 competition cycle.
    • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding a total estimated 73 Cleanup Grants for an estimated total of $60 million
      • Up to $500,000 to clean up one brownfield site or to allocate up to $500,000 among multiple sites;
      • Between $500,001 and $1,000,000 to clean up one brownfield site or to allocate among multiple sites; or
      • Between $1,000,001 and $2,000,000 to clean up one brownfield site or to allocate among multiple sites.
  • Brownfields Assessment Grants
    • Assessment Grants provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments4, developing site-specific cleanup plans, and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. A portion of the Assessment Grant funding must be used to conduct site assessments. Assessment Grant funds may not be used to conduct cleanup activities.
    • Coalition Assessment Grants
      • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 20 Assessment Coalition Grants for an estimated total of $20 million
    • Community-Wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes
      • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 17 Community-wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes for an estimated total of $35 million
    • Community-Wide Assessment Grants
      • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 61 Community-wide Assessment Grants for an  estimated total of $30.5 million
  • Brownfields Multipurpose Grants
    • A Multipurpose Grant is appropriate for communities that have identified, through community engagement efforts, a discrete area (such as a neighborhood, a number of neighboring towns, a district, a corridor, a shared planning area, or a census tract) with one or more brownfield sites. Multipurpose Grants provide funding to carry out a range of eligible assessment and cleanup activities, including planning and additional community engagement activities. Applicants can apply for funding up to $800,000 per grant under this solicitation.
    • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 17 Multipurpose Grants for an estimated $800,000 per grant
  • Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants
    • Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants provide funding to a grant recipient to capitalize an RLF program. RLF programs provide loans and subgrants to eligible entities to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites contaminated with hazardous substances4  and/or petroleum5. Site eligibility will be determined by EPA after grant award and prior to expending grant funds at any site. Sites where hazardous substances and petroleum contamination are distinguishable must meet eligibility requirements for both contaminants.
    • FUNDING/AWARDS: EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 10 RLF Grants for an estimated total of $10 million


SCS Engineers has a successful track record supporting communities interested in land recycling and obtaining EPA Brownfields grants. Please visit our website for more information.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 12:25 pm