
August 1, 2016

Do you have NSPS or EG sites per the new definitions of “new” and “existing”?

Does your EG site have any upcoming planned or permitted expansions, or will it be commencing construction on an expansion permitted after July 17, 2014?

Will you need to submit/resubmit Design Capacity and NMOC reports to establish your sites status as subject to the new NSPS? Over, or under 34 Mg/year of NMOCs?

Are you a candidate for Tier 4? In the closed landfill subcategory?

For EG sites contact the SCS state representative by sending a request to

SCS Engineers will be publishing Pat Sullivan’s Technical Bulletin Summary of Final NSPS/EG Rules for Landfills as soon as it is published in the federal register. Meanwhile, please contact your SCS Project Manager or for answers to your questions or advice.  Follow SCS Engineers on your favorite social media site or check our events for new presentations, publications, and webinars explaining the rules in more detail.


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am