Ensure your investment in the most appropriate, sound strategies that take a holistic approach. Learn more about carbon casting here!
Carbon management often takes a holistic approach, combining one or more environmental solutions. The CO2 experts at SCS Engineers recommend looking at Graphyte’s hybrid technology approach for carbon casting, a new approach to carbon removal that leverages readily available biomass. The solution is backed and incubated by Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures. Here’s how it works…
Timber and agriculture industry by-products are dried and condensed into dense blocks, which stops decomposition.
The carbon blocks are further protected with an environmentally safe, impermeable barrier.
The blocks are then stored in state-of-the-art sites with sensors and tracers.
These specialized sites enable long-term monitoring for sustainable environmental protection.
The land above the storage sites is open for solar and agricultural uses.
Learn more about sustainable carbon management, carbon casting, carbon sequestration, and carbon reduction verification.