What’s in Store for 2024: An Update on the Geologic Carbon Sequestration Project Landscape

January 31, 2024

Geologic Carbon Sequestration
View the SCS Engineers educational library for greenhouse gas reduction and sequestration on our website – link below.


Capturing carbon dioxide and injecting it into a Class VI well for permanent geologic carbon sequestration, or CO2 storage, is a practice that industry leaders use to decarbonize manufacturing processes. Manufacturers use CO2 storage to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. There has been an uptick in proposed projects, both commercial hub-scale and single emitter-affiliated scale, particularly within the last year. The catalyst for the uptick in proposed projects is primarily the associated financial incentives, including federal tax credits and grant monies.

In this educational webinar, Professional Geologist Kacey Garber describes what manufacturers interested in geologic CO2 storage can expect the project landscape to look like in 2024. The video includes a discussion of the following:

  1. Recent and upcoming changes to Class VI Underground Injection Control (UIC) primacy or regulatory authority;
  2. Pending project status and anticipated changes in status;
  3. Recent and upcoming CarbonSAFE grant opportunities; and
  4. Evolving project opportunities in both conventional and unconventional settings.


Understanding the current project landscape and how and when future project opportunities might evolve is important for manufacturers considering the geologic storage of their CO2 stream, whether through a larger commercial hub or a smaller on-site project.


Click here to watch the educational webinar An Update on the Geologic Carbon Sequestration Project Landscape.

Additional Resources:


Kacey Garber

About the Presenter: Kacey Garber is a professional geologist experienced as a groundwater project manager for active and closed industrial client sites. Her responsibilities include groundwater monitoring and statistical analyses; reports and permit applications; designing sampling and analysis plans; special groundwater studies; and conducting groundwater well construction planning and design. She has also been involved in PFAS work groups and publishes on the topics of UIC and geologic carbon sequestration.


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am