SCS projects digester gas production for Greenfield dairy manure digester solutions, employing three different technologies and we forecast digester gas (DG) production for food waste digester solutions. SCS has projected future digester production at an operating municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge digester, under variable future scenarios, and at a proposed municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge digester.
SCS has prepared landfill gas (LFG) recovery projections for over 300 landfills. The LFGE industry recognizes SCS as the most reliable source for LFG recovery projections. In its LFG recovery modeling, SCS relies on modeling coefficients derived from 230 landfills, covering over 1,100 years of LFG recovery data.
Tightening a wellfield’s results in reduced LFG recovery.
Modeling LFG recovery can be challenging for RNG projects. Project developers sometimes want to tighten wellfield operation to reduce LFG N2 content, occasionally to the point of eliminating the need for N2 removal in the RNG plant’s process chain.
SCS is the only firm that is capable of projecting the impact of wellfield tightening on LFG recovery. SCS bases the projected impact of wellfield tightening on observed experience with wellfield tightening (at project start-up), and on experience operating both “high” and “low” N2 content LFG wellfields. SCS currently operates over 200 LFG wellfields nationwide on a contract basis.