National Experts

SCS professionals are active in, and leaders of industry and professional associations. We organize and participate in workshops and conferences, author and present technical papers, conduct research, and participate in national and state-level legislative and rule-making processes and regulatory policy. Our engineers, environmental consultants, and scientists work in close coordination on environmental solutions.

Search by last name or simply browse the list below.

Kenneth Armentrout
Kenneth Armentrout
Vice President, Project Director, and National Expert on Transfer Stations

Ken Armentrout, PE, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert for Transfer Stations. His expertise includes transfer stations, household hazardous wastes, stormwater management, landfill, LFG and LFG-to-energy, and aerated static pile composting facilities. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia.

    • Ken Armentrout, PE, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert for Transfer Stations. His expertise includes transfer stations, household hazardous wastes, stormwater management, landfill, LFG and LFG-to-energy, and aerated static pile composting facilities. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia. Mr. Armentrout is also a SWANA accredited Technical Associate for the Managing Transfer Stations course.

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Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson
Senior Project Manager/National Expert on Anaerobic Digestion

Dr. Erik Anderson is a Senior Project Manager for our Energy division and our National Expert on Anaerobic Digestion. He is experienced in engineering and process design in the renewable fuels sector, including anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis to syn-gas generation, and zero-liquid discharge technologies. He has conducted on projects from initial concept development through front-end engineering design and construction management. His experience includes modeling of renewable energy technologies for economic comparison or life-cycle analysis. He has several U.S. patents related to bio energy.

    • Dr. Erik Anderson is a Senior Project Manager for our Energy division and our National Expert on Anaerobic Digestion. He is experienced in engineering and process design in the renewable fuels sector, including anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis to syn-gas generation, and zero-liquid discharge technologies. He has conducted on projects from initial concept development through front-end engineering design and construction management. His experience includes modeling of renewable energy technologies for economic comparison or life-cycle analysis.
      Erik is named inventor on several U.S. patents related to bio energy and served as commissioner on the National Biodiesel Accreditation Committee from 2014-2021.

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Kenneth Brynda
Kenneth Brynda
OM&M Quality Advisor

Ken Brynda is an SCS Field Services OM&M Quality Advisor in North Carolina. He is an active member of SWANA’s Landfill Gas and Biogas Technical Division, Field Practices Committee serving clients for over 30 years. Ken’s expertise includes the design, construction, operation and maintenance, evaluation, troubleshooting, and assessment of landfill gas collection and control systems and LFG-to-energy production facilities.

    • Ken Brynda is an SCS Field Services OM&M Quality Advisor in North Carolina. He is an active member of SWANA’s Landfill Gas and Biogas Technical Division, Field Practices Committee serving clients for over 30 years. Ken’s expertise includes the design, construction, operation and maintenance, evaluation, troubleshooting, and assessment of landfill gas collection and control systems and LFG-to-energy production facilities..
      Ken is a SWANA-certified as a Landfill Technical Associate in the Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO) program, and has also taught the SWANA introductory Landfill Gas System Operation and Maintenance training course.

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David Balcirak
David Balcirak
National Construction Manager

David Balcirak is a Vice President and National Construction Manager for our Energy Division. He has nearly four decades of construction experience in multiple industry sectors for facilities using Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facilities, wastewater treatment plants, water purification plants, industrial facilities, commercial facilities, and public works projects. During his career in construction management, he has supervised over 1 billion dollars in the construction of private and public works projects, including thirteen RNG plants designed and built by SCS.

    • David Balcirak is a Vice President and National Construction Manager for our Energy Division. He has nearly four decades of construction experience in multiple industry sectors for facilities using Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facilities, wastewater treatment plants, water purification plants, industrial facilities, commercial facilities, and public works projects. During his career in construction management, he has supervised over 1 billion dollars in the construction of private and public works projects, including thirteen RNG plants designed and built by SCS.

Tom Barham
Thomas Barham
Senior Vice President/Director Field Services Construction Division

Tom Barham is SCS’s Senior Vice President of Construction Services. He is a licensed contractor in 15 states, a member of the Virginia and District of Columbia bars, and has served as an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Maryland for over 30 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction from Virginia Tech and a Juris Doctorate (with honors) from George Washington University. He has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry.

    • Tom Barham is SCS’s Senior Vice President of Construction Services. He is a licensed contractor in 15 states, a member of the Virginia and District of Columbia bars, and has served as an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Maryland for over 30 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction from Virginia Tech and a Juris Doctorate (with honors) from George Washington University. He has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry.
      Mr. Barham provides SCS Field Services with expertise in construction management, including procurement, scheduling, budgeting, and estimating, as well as other contract formation and administration activities.
      Mr. Barham has directed several full service (design/build) projects and has been involved in numerous projects such as Landfill Gas (LFG) collection systems (blower/flare stations, extraction wells, horizontal collection trenches, header lines, and condensate collecting/containment systems); groundwater pump and treat systems (stripping towers, recharge galleries, groundwater wells, deep recharge wells, collection/distribution piping, and pump stations); bio-treatment facilities (containment areas, moisture/nutrient application, and soil mixing); underground storage tanks (excavation, testing, triple rinse, and restoration); soil vapor extraction systems (cat/ox treatment facilities, vapor extraction wells, collection header lines, and air make-up wells).
      Prior to joining SCS Field Services, Mr. Barham served as a construction manager for a major general contractor on large hospital and institutional building construction projects.

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Christopher Crosby
Christopher Crosby
Project Director/National Expert on Emerging Contaminants

Chris Crosby is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Emerging Contaminants. He has nearly two decades of professional experience in the environmental consulting field. He manages complex environmental site assessments (ESAs), subsurface investigations, and remediation and construction projects to navigate regulatory requirements and meet client objectives. His experiences includes investigating and remediating properties that have impacted soil and groundwater by a variety of constituents of concern, including total petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, lead and other heavy metals, and PFAS.

    • Chris Crosby is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Emerging Contaminants. He has nearly two decades of professional experience in the environmental consulting field. He manages complex environmental site assessments (ESAs), subsurface investigations, and remediation and construction projects to navigate regulatory requirements and meet client objectives. His experiences includes investigating and remediating properties that have impacted soil and groundwater by a variety of constituents of concern, including total petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, lead and other heavy metals, and PFAS.
      He routinely prepares technical environmental documents clearly describing environmental conditions to meet regulatory agency compliance. These documents include Work Plans, property mitigation plans, soil management plans (SMPs), corrective action plans (CAPs), remedial action plans (RAPs), ESA reports, groundwater monitoring reports, health risk assessments (HRAs), and property closure reports. He has experience managing groundwater monitoring programs, drilling operations (vertical and horizontal), remediation, and construction oversight. He has implemented remedial action Work Plans that include source zone excavation, dual-phase extraction (DPE), soil vapor extraction (SVE), in-situ chemical oxidation, bio-augmentation, and air sparging techniques. He has provided construction quality assurance (CQA) at landfill facilities, routinely manages Brownfield redevelopment excavation and grading projects, and has worked to assess and remediate releases at various military bases and airports.

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Philip Carrillo
Philip Carrillo
Vice President/Director National Remote Monitoring Control

Phil Carrillo is a Vice President and the Director of our Remote Monitoring and Control (RMC) systems. He has two decades of experience in groundwater control and monitoring systems (GWCMS), water supply systems (WSS), solid waste and landfill gas (LFG) management, including remote monitoring, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), control systems, and the operation and maintenance (O&M) of LFG collection and treatment systems (GCCS).

    • Phil Carrillo is a Vice President and the Director of SCS’s Remote Monitoring and Control (RMC) systems. He has two decades of experience in groundwater control and monitoring systems (GWCMS), water supply systems (WSS), solid waste and landfill gas (LFG) management, including remote monitoring, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), control systems, and the operation and maintenance (O&M) of LFG collection and treatment systems (GCCS).
      Mr. Carrillo has managed all aspects of GCCS, including wellfields and flares, and LFG-to-energy (LFGE) controls, design, O&M, and construction management. His unique combination of field operations management experience and control systems technical expertise adds tremendous value to any SCS team assigned to an OM&M project.
      Mr. Carrillo has designed over 110 remote monitoring and SCADA systems that had comprehensive control logic (Programmable Logic Controllers [PLCs]) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) capabilities. He understands the complex issues that must be addressed to optimize LFG system performance and to maintain regulatory compliance. He has performed, installed, and repaired LFG control systems, and has been responsible for implementing upgrades to computer and communication systems vital to compliance management. This has included troubleshooting system components, coordinating with field technical personnel, interfacing with vendors and landfill operations personnel, ordering materials and equipment, and overseeing GCCS repairs and upgrades.

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daniel cooper site services
Daniel Cooper
Vice President/National Solid Waste Services Market Leader

Dan Cooper, PE, is a Vice President and our National Solid Waste Services Market Leader. He has expertise in all aspects of landfill and landfill gas projects, including design, permitting, and construction. His experience includes landfill Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS) design, permitting, and expansions, landfill gas (LFG) electrical generators, Title V compliance, GCCS and construction CQA, and greenhouse gasses. Mr. Cooper also provides engineering, project management and client support for stormwater water management, landfill scale house design, transfer station design, pump station design and hurricane debris management projects.

    • Dan Cooper, PE, is a Vice President and our National Solid Waste Services Market Director. He has expertise in all aspects of landfill and landfill gas projects, including design, permitting, and construction. His experience includes landfill Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS) design, permitting, and expansions, landfill gas (LFG) electrical generators, Title V compliance, GCCS and construction CQA, and greenhouse gasses. Mr. Cooper also provides engineering, project management and client support for stormwater water management, landfill scale house design, transfer station design, pump station design and hurricane debris management projects.

Daniel Dietch
Daniel Dietch
Vice President, Project Director, and National Expert on Solid Waste Planning and Recycling

Daniel Dietch is a Vice President, Project Director, and one of our National Experts on Solid Waste Planning and Recycling. He is responsible for developing the Sustainable Materials Management Practice for SCS’s Southeast Region and works closely with SCS’s national experts to support our regional clients.  He has conducted a wide range of solid waste and environmental projects for municipal and private clients. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology (with an Archeology minor), and an MBA in Management.

    • Daniel Dietch is a Vice President, Project Director, and one of our National Experts on Solid Waste Planning and Recycling. He is responsible for developing the Sustainable Materials Management Practice for SCS’s Southeast Region and works closely with SCS’s national experts to support our regional clients.  He has conducted a wide range of solid waste and environmental projects for municipal and private clients. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology (with an Archeology minor), and an MBA in Management.
      Mr. Dietch has more than 20 years of academic and professional experience in solid waste management. He uses this experience to provide clients with strategic solid waste consulting, including solid waste and recycling planning, landfill gas project development, operations monitoring, procurements, litigation support, rate structure/alternative financing analyses, ordinance development, and contract negotiations. His responsibilities include program coordination, planning, execution, and client liaison. Work products include master/strategic plans, landfill closure plans, operations reports, technology reports, rate models and reports, contracts, ordinances, benefit/cost analyses, customized data management systems, and procurement documents.
      In addition, Mr. Dietch specializes in developing and managing composting projects. His experience includes on-farm composting, where he has assisted with the development and operation of a turned windrow system, and institutional and municipal composting projects, where he has managed the development and operations of a proprietary in-vessel compost system. For composting projects, he has successfully processed a variety of waste streams, including municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, agricultural, paper and yard wastes, and pre- and post-plate food scraps. In addition to development and management, Mr. Dietch has been responsible for equipment assessment, prototype construction, permitting, and onsite operations.

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Stacey Demers
Stacey Demers
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Solid Waste Composition Studies

Stacey Demers is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, a LEED® Accredited Professional, and our National Expert on Solid Waste Composition Studies. She has over three decades experience in the environmental field, specializing in solid waste and energy. Ms. Demers provides strong technical and analytical skills in planning, statistics, sample design for environmental programs, and modeling. Projects include program assessments, data analyses, database management, sampling protocols and associated field sampling specific to sustainability metrics. She is also the director of the Sustainable Materials Management Technical Division of the Solid Waste Association of North America.

    • Stacey Demers is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, a LEED® Accredited Professional, and our National Expert on Solid Waste Composition Studies. She has over three decades of experience in the environmental field, specializing in solid waste and energy.
      Ms. Demers provides strong technical and analytical skills in planning, statistics, sample design for environmental programs, and modeling. Projects include program assessments, data analyses, database management, sampling protocols and associated field sampling specific to sustainability metrics. She is also the director of the Sustainable Materials Management Technical Division of the Solid Waste Association of North America.

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Robert Dick
Robert Dick
Senior Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Elevated Temperature Landfills

Bob Dick, PE, is a Senior Vice President and the Business Unit Director of SCS Engineer’s Mid-Atlantic operations, stretching from Maine to South Carolina. He is also one of our National Experts on Elevated Temperature Landfills. He has over three decades of experience on civil and environmental engineering projects related to solid waste management, and has performed landfill and landfill gas engineering projects (design, permitting, construction, and operations) in more than 15 states and several foreign countries. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and North Carolina, a Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE), and a member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.

    • Bob is a Senior Vice President and the Business Unit Director of SCS Engineer’s Mid-Atlantic operations, stretching from Maine to South Carolina. He is also one of our National Experts on Elevated Temperature Landfills. He has over three decades of experience on civil and environmental engineering projects related to solid waste management, and has performed landfill and landfill gas engineering projects (design, permitting, construction, and operations) in more than 15 states and several foreign countries. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and North Carolina, a Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE), and a member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.
      Bob has also directed and completed numerous project assignments related to solid waste planning and facility projects which have involved residential and commercial collection and recycling programs, as well as convenience centers, composting facilities, and material recovery facility design, permitting, construction, and operations consulting.
      Authored several publications and made numerous presentations on air quality, solid waste management, landfill engineering and LFG management/control, design/operations, GHG emissions, composting, and regulatory compliance.

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Victoria Evans
Victoria Evans
Project Director/Climate Change Practice Leader/National Expert on Greenhouse Gas

Victoria Evans is SCS’s Climate Change Practice Leader and One of our National Experts on Greenhouse Gas. She has over four decades of experience in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy, air quality, and environment. She has over 25 years of experience in climate and GHG management, having directed or performed over 300 GHG studies for US and global corporations and government organizations.

    • Victoria Evans is SCS’s Climate Change Practice Leader and One of our National Experts on Greenhouse Gas. She has over four decades of experience in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy, air quality, and environment. She has over 25 years of experience in climate and GHG management, having directed or performed over 300 GHG studies for US and global corporations and government organizations.
      He experience includes developing voluntary and mandatory GHG inventories, reporting, California Cap-and-Trade compliance strategies, carbon reduction roadmaps and life cycle analyses. She has led regulatory and legislative analyses involving carbon and energy for landmark initiatives and has advised on development of GHG reporting rules and protocols for carbon offset projects.
      Her early career experience includes environmental impact analysis and air permit support for over 50 facilities, including coal, natural gas, biogas, and biomass-fueled electricity generation, and coal syngas facilities.
      Ms. Evans has developed environmental, air quality, and climate research projects with electric utilities in Taiwan, South Africa, Italy and England, and collaborated with utilities in Finland, Sweden, the Philippines, Italy, Scotland, and France.

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Candy Elliott
Candy Elliott
Senior Project Professional/National Expert on Environmental Justice

Candy Elliott, PG, is our National Expert on Environmental Justice. She is experienced in assessment and remediation, including comprehensive geologic and hydrogeologic site assessments in several states. Her projects include site characterization, site assessment and remediation, brownfields, groundwater monitoring and reporting, groundwater corrective action, mining, and other industrial facility or site development projects. She also supports new and existing landfill geologic permitting assignments for solid waste clients and facilities in North Carolina and throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Ms. Elliott is a licensed Professional Geologist.

    • Candy Elliott, PG, is our National Expert on Environmental Justice. She is experienced in assessment and remediation, including comprehensive geologic and hydrogeologic site assessments in several states. Her projects include site characterization, site assessment and remediation, brownfields, groundwater monitoring and reporting, groundwater corrective action, mining, and other industrial facility or site development projects. She also supports new and existing landfill geologic permitting assignments for solid waste clients and facilities in North Carolina and throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Ms. Elliott is a licensed Professional Geologist.
      Additional experience includes vapor intrusion work plans and soil gas, subslab, and indoor air sampling. She has also managed UST removal and closure projects and conducted wastewater sampling and bioremediation.

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Jeffrey Grill
Jeffrey Grill
Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on LFG and Biogas to Energy

Jeff Grill is the Business Unit Director of our SCS Energy division, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and our National Expert on Landfill Gas and Biogas to Energy. His expertise includes the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas to Renewable Gas & energy facilities, including Landfill Gas-to-Energy facilities, biogas treatment facilities, and power plants. He has over 20 years of energy and renewable natural gas (RNG) project development, engineering, and management. His core values are quality, consistency and engineering excellence.

    • Jeff Grill is the Business Unit Director of our SCS Energy division, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and our National Expert on Landfill Gas and Biogas to Energy. His expertise includes the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas to Renewable Gas & energy facilities, including Landfill Gas-to-Energy facilities, biogas treatment facilities, and power plants. He has over 20 years of energy and renewable natural gas (RNG) project development, engineering, and management. His core values are quality, consistency and engineering excellence.
      Prior to becoming the Business Unit Director, Jeff led the Energy group’s process engineering division which is responsible for the design of all SCS’s RNG facilities. He provides a wide array of engineering and management services ranging from conceptual to detailed design and implementation.
      Jeff has built an execution portfolio of 19 patents and applications and has designed over 50 Renewable Natural Gas processing plants with a combined designed production capacity equivalent to 16% of California’s 2021 residential natural gas consumption. This is equivalent to almost one and a half percent of the US residential natural gas consumption, equating to a reduction of over 4.1 million tons of CO2 GHG emissions or 2.1 million tons of coal burned per year. The capacity of the landfill gas to pipeline quality RNG projects that Jeff has supervised or designed totals over 335 MMCFD for landfill gas to RNG, and over 34 MMCFD for dairy digester and municipal WWTP gas to RNG.

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Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Senior Vice President/National Expert on Solid Waste Collection and Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies

Robert Gardner, PE, BCEE, is a Senior Vice President with expertise in landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, liquids management, operation and maintenance, and construction. He works closely with SCS’s national and regional clients. Mr. Gardner is also our National Expert on Solid Waste Collection & Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies.

    • Mr. Gardner is a Senior Vice President with expertise in landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, liquids management, operation and maintenance, and construction. He works closely with SCS’s national and regional clients. Mr. Gardner is also our National Expert on Solid Waste Collection & Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies.
      Practice Areas
      Since joining SCS in 1980, Mr. Gardner has completed solid waste, hazardous waste, environmental assessment, facility design, compliance audit and other environmental study projects for municipal and private clients. Projects typically have involved feasibility studies, due diligence investigations, facility siting, site investigations, environmental studies, permitting, design and construction services.
      Facilities have included landfills, landfill gas control facilities, material recovery facilities, transfer stations, wastewater treatment plants, and support facilities (e.g., roadways, buildings, stormwater, utilities). Other projects have included waste composition studies, rate studies, compliance audits, site assessments, and preparation of various procurement documents.
      Mr. Gardner has participated in or directed numerous environmental site assessments, contamination assessments, remedial action plans and remedial construction projects throughout the United States. Project sites have included fuel storage facilities, vehicle maintenance facilities, truck stops, chemical processing plants, active and closed landfill sites, abandoned chemical disposal sites, and superfund sites. Chemical contamination encountered in both soil and groundwater media has included petroleum, heavy metals, dioxin, pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, and solvents.

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Raymond Huff
Raymond Huff
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Greenhouse Gas

Ray Huff, REPA, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Greenhouse Gas. He has three decades of experience in environmental consulting, and specializes in landfill regulatory compliance; air quality/compliance issues, including GHG emissions quantification; and site assessment, remediation, and post-closure care. Mr. Huff is an Accredited Lead Verifier under California Air Resources Board (CARB) with Transactions, Oil and Gas Systems, and Process Emissions Specializations, and a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA).

    • Ray Huff, REPA, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Greenhouse Gas. He has three decades of experience in environmental consulting, and specializes in landfill regulatory compliance; air quality/compliance issues, including GHG emissions quantification; and site assessment, remediation, and post-closure care. Mr. Huff is an Accredited Lead Verifier under California Air Resources Board (CARB) with Transactions, Oil and Gas Systems, and Process Emissions Specializations, and a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA).
      Mr. Huff is also the Closed Landfill project lead within SCS’s California offices, with project management and coordination responsibilities for closed and inactive landfill projects throughout the state, including landfill probe evaluation work for CalRecycle. He has also participated on the Landfill Gas Technical Advisory Group to CalRecycle.
      Mr. Huff’s compliance expertise has been deployed in a Project Manager and Task Manager capacity on a variety of landfill investigations and risk assessments, hazardous substance site investigations and risk assessments, site remediations, solid waste and hazardous waste management plans, and GHG/air regulatory compliance projects throughout California.

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Mark Huber
Mark Huber
Vice President/National Expert on Electric Utilities

Mark Huber, PE, is a Vice President and a National Expert on Electric Utilities. He has nearly 30 years of consulting experience in civil and environmental engineering, and specializes in urban redevelopment projects with a technical expertise in brownfield redevelopment, civil site design, and stormwater management. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and Iowa.

    • Mr. Huber is a Vice President and a National Expert on Electric Utilities. He has nearly 30 years of consulting experience in civil and environmental engineering, and specializes in urban redevelopment projects with a technical expertise in brownfield redevelopment, civil site design, and stormwater management. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and Iowa.
      With a dual background in civil and environmental engineering, Mark is able to take urban redevelopment projects from initial site assessment through construction. Mark is adept at explaining complex issues in easy to understand language. His experience working on a variety of complex urban projects allows him to quickly identify key issues and develop smart, simple solutions that save clients time and money. Mark is an excellent communicator, which helps him bridge the gap between client goals and regulatory requirements. Mark is always excited about helping clients in creative ways with responsive customer service.

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David Hostetter
David Hostetter
Vice President/RMC Business Manager

David Hostetter, PE, LEED AP, CEM, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Business Manager for SCS RMC (Remote Monitoring and Controls). He manages the group’s RMC work across the USA and internationally. His project experience includes remote monitoring and control systems engineering, construction, and operation; landfill gas (LFG) blower/flare station engineering; LFG wellfield engineering; leachate and groundwater pumping systems engineering; energy audits; energy modeling; LEED design and documentation; commissioning and retro-commissioning; property condition assessments; and HVAC and plumbing engineering.

    • Mr. Hostetter is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Business Manager for SCS RMC (Remote Monitoring and Controls). He manages the group’s RMC work across the USA and internationally. His project experience includes remote monitoring and control systems engineering, construction, and operation; landfill gas (LFG) blower/flare station engineering; LFG wellfield engineering; leachate and groundwater pumping systems engineering; energy audits; energy modeling; LEED design and documentation; commissioning and retro-commissioning; property condition assessments; and HVAC and plumbing engineering.
      Dave is a registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and Virginia, a Certified Energy Manager, and a LEED Accredited Professional. He was a 2016 Waste 360 “40 Under 40” Award winner and a 2019 Control Engineering Magazine “Engineering Leaders Under 40 Award” winner, among other awards. His projects have received an Environmental Business Journal Technology Merit Award and an Inductive Automation Firebrand Award.

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Stephanie Hill
Stephanie Hill
Vice President, Project Director, National Expert on Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Stephanie Hill, PG, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert for Carbon Capture and Sequestration. She is also a leader of our national Carbon Sequestration and Deep Well Injection practice. Stephanie is a hydrogeologist and a licensed Professional Geologist in Florida, Texas, Illinois, and Kentucky. She co-leads a team of geologists and engineers to advise clients of various industries on geologic storage options for carbon neutrality and disposal of industrial liquid residuals. Her experience includes permitting and regulatory compliance for underground injection control and coal mining, hydrologic investigations, and identifying large scale environmental impacts to surface and groundwater resources from various industry practices.

    • Stephanie Hill, PG, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert for Carbon Capture and Sequestration. She is also a leader of our national Carbon Sequestration and Deep Well Injection practice. Stephanie is a hydrogeologist and a licensed Professional Geologist in Florida, Texas, Illinois, and Kentucky. She co-leads a team of geologists and engineers to advise clients of various industries on geologic storage options for carbon neutrality and disposal of industrial liquid residuals. Her experience includes permitting and regulatory compliance for underground injection control and coal mining, hydrologic investigations, and identifying large scale environmental impacts to surface and groundwater resources from various industry practices.
      Ms. Hill’s early career focused on environmental compliance for mineral and fossil fuel industries at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (1996 to 2000) and the Railroad Commission of Texas (2000 to 2012).
      She earned a BS in Geosciences with emphasis in hydrogeology and geomorphology at the University of Texas.

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Christina Helms
Christina Helms
Project Manager/National Expert on Mining

Christina Helms, PG, LSRP, is one of our National Experts on Mining. She is also responsible for leading, growing, and managing SCS’s environmental services practice in the greater Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland area. She had nearly two decades of technical and environmental consulting experience as a geologist, project manager, senior technical advisor, and Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) on various national, regional, and local environmental projects for private sector clients in various markets including commercial real estate, residential housing, industrial/manufacturing, mining, and energy utilities. Project experience ranges from fast-paced due diligence for property transactions to long-term, multi-year projects with ongoing monitoring and reporting needs and requirements for sites with soil, groundwater, and air impacts.

    • Christina Helms, PG, LSRP, is one of our National Experts on Mining. She is also responsible for leading, growing, and managing SCS’s environmental services practice in the greater Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland area. She had nearly two decades of technical and environmental consulting experience as a geologist, project manager, senior technical advisor, and Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) on various national, regional, and local environmental projects for private sector clients in various markets including commercial real estate, residential housing, industrial/manufacturing, mining, and energy utilities. Project experience ranges from fast-paced due diligence for property transactions to long-term, multi-year projects with ongoing monitoring and reporting needs and requirements for sites with soil, groundwater, and air impacts.

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Jay Hatho
Jay Hatho
Chief Information and Technology Officer

Jay Hatho is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers, our Technology Officer/Chief Information Officer, and our National Expert on Technology Services. He is responsible for developing new technologies that collect, monitor and control systems in the field. He has developed and deployed new hardware and software not previously utilized in the environmental engineering field. These new technologies help to reduce the costs of running and operating engineering projects, and are now sold as a product to clients. This helped launch a product development organization at SCS known as SCS eTools.

    • Jay Hatho is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers, our Technology Officer/Chief Information Officer, and our National Expert on Technology Services. He is responsible for developing new technologies that collect, monitor and control systems in the field. He has developed and deployed new hardware and software not previously utilized in the environmental engineering field. These new technologies help to reduce the costs of running and operating engineering projects, and are now sold as a product to clients. This helped launch a product development organization at SCS known as SCS eTools.
      Jay has leveraged hardware, software, and wireless technology to streamline the operations, maintenance, and monitoring of data that is collected at landfills. Landfills and landfill gas in particular, along with other industries must comply with government regulations. Collecting, storing and analyzing compliance data is expensive because traditionally it was time consuming and sometimes dangerous to collect. SCS Technology developed a secure and user-friendly web-based application to identify, collect, track, and report in real-time the data required to meet compliance regulations. The components work wirelessly and are built to last even under extreme weather conditions.
      Mr. Hatho also oversees the modernization and standardization of SCS’s IT organization to support the company’s growth. He is responsible for deploying modern technologies to help improve communication throughout the company and for leading the development of software products both internally and for clients.
      Prior to joining SCS, Mr. Hatho developed technology platforms and infrastructure for a major online brokerage firm, and served as the director of engineering for a major computer manufacturer. He started large organizations overseas and locally that improved business and helped increase revenues for several companies, and managed multi-million dollar engineering budgets while maintaining strict fiscal controls and disciplines.

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Nathan Hamm
Nathan Hamm
Chief Strategy Officer/National Expert Leachate & Wastewater Management

Nathan Hamm, PE, is a Senior Vice President, our Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), and National Expert on Leachate and Wastewater Management. He has over two decades of environmental engineering consulting experience and leads our Landfill Leachate and Industrial Wastewater Treatment program. Throughout his career he has worked on projects for a variety of industries including solid waste management, alternative energy, power generation, meat processing, and agricultural production. His core technical expertise is industrial wastewater and landfill leachate treatment, solid waste landfill design and construction, and civil site development. Mr. Hamm is a licensed professional engineer in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas.

    • Mr. Hamm is a Senior Vice President, our Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), and National Expert on Leachate and Wastewater Management. He has over two decades of environmental engineering consulting experience and leads our Landfill Leachate and Industrial Wastewater Treatment program. His core technical expertise is industrial wastewater and landfill leachate treatment, anaerobic digestion, solid waste landfill design and construction, and civil site development. He is responsible for managing complex projects, maintaining client relationships, and providing technical guidance while leading the firm’s strategic business development.
      Throughout his career he has worked on projects for a variety of industries including solid waste management, alternative energy, power generation, meat processing, and agricultural production. He has served in a variety of technical and management roles including project engineer, project manager, client manager, team leader, and office manager. He is adept at listening to client’s needs, understanding the underlying business and personal drivers, and developing solutions to their most challenging environmental problems.

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Robert Isenberg
Robert Isenberg
Senior Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Geotechnical and on Landfill Design & CQA

Bob Isenberg, PE, PG, is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Geotechnical, and Landfill Design/Construction Quality Assurance. He has over four decades of consulting experience in geotechnical and civil engineering projects involving design, analysis, testing, permitting, construction, remediation and repair of solid waste facilities, retaining structures including dams, mine tailing basins, earthen embankments and reservoirs, buildings including power plants, commercial and residential housing and studies of soil and groundwater contamination.

    • Mr. Isenberg, PE, PG, is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Geotechnical, and on Landfill Design/Construction Quality Assurance. He has over four decades of consulting experience in geotechnical and civil engineering projects involving design, analysis, testing, permitting, construction, remediation and repair of solid waste facilities, retaining structures including dams, mine tailing basins, earthen embankments and reservoirs, buildings including power plants, commercial and residential housing and studies of soil and groundwater contamination. He possesses extensive experience with design of bottom liner and leachate collection systems, final covers, subsurface investigation, redevelopment and remediation of older municipal and private waste landfills, and studies of soil and groundwater contamination.

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Dana Justice
Dana Justice
Senior Marketing Coordinator/National Expert on Government Grants

Dana Justice is one of our National Experts on Government Grants. She has a depth of experience working on Brownfield projects with public sector clients, including identification of funding opportunities, assisting with grant application preparation, and assisting with grant implementation and administration. She is experienced in environmental consulting, specializing in marketing and business development, with a focus on strategic marketing, positioning strategy, and proposal development. She is a Senior Marketing Coordinator for SCS’s Environmental Services consulting and engineering operations within the Southwestern United States.

    • Dana Justice is one of our National Experts on Government Grants. She has a depth of experience working on Brownfield projects with public sector clients, including identification of funding opportunities, assisting with grant application preparation, and assisting with grant implementation and administration. She is experienced in environmental consulting, specializing in marketing and business development, with a focus on strategic marketing, positioning strategy, and proposal development. She is a Senior Marketing Coordinator for SCS’s Environmental Services consulting and engineering operations within the Southwestern United States.
      Dana also has experience performing components of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and complex data evaluations, including database development, maintenance, programming, and reporting.
      Ms. Justice has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a Marketing emphasis, and an MBA with a specialization in International Business.

Somshekhar Kundra
Somshekhar Kundral
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment

Som Kundral is a Vice President, Project Director, and one of our National Experts on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment. He has two decades of broad and diverse environmental engineering experience that includes projects in landfill redevelopment, landfill gas management system design, site assessment, groundwater remediation system design, stormwater management, Injection Well System Construction and permitting, compliance reporting and construction administration services, and O&M of remediation systems. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida.

    • Som Kundral is a Vice President, Project Director, and one of our National Experts on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment. He has two decades of broad and diverse environmental engineering experience that includes projects in landfill redevelopment, landfill gas management system design, site assessment, groundwater remediation system design, stormwater management, Injection Well System Construction and permitting, compliance reporting and construction administration services, and O&M of remediation systems. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida.
      Mr. Kundral has served small to multimillion-dollar projects with clients from both public and private sectors. He is well known at FDEP, SFWMD and DERM.

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Tony Kriel
Tony Kriel
Project Manager/National Expert on Energy Management

Tony Kriel, PE, LEED AP, is SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Energy Management. He has 13 years of consulting experience as a mechanical engineer and his project experience includes specializing in Cx, RCx, ASHRAE Level I-III energy audits, and other design-related energy services. Tony has managed multiple large (>million square foot) projects and has worked with industrial, commercial, military, federal, state, municipal, and solid waste clients. He is a LEED Accredited Professional AP BD+C, and LEED AP O+M.

    • Tony Kriel, PE, LEED AP, is SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Energy Management. He is an experienced mechanical engineer with specializations in Cx, RCx, ASHRAE Level I-III energy audits, and other design-related energy services. Tony has managed multiple large (>million square foot) projects and has worked with industrial, commercial, military, federal, state, municipal, and solid waste clients. He is a LEED Accredited Professional AP BD+C, and LEED AP O+M.
      His projects include Commissioning (Cx), Retro-Commissioning (RCx), ASHRAE Energy Audits, Energy Modeling, Geothermal Feasibility and Design, and Solar PV.

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Ali Khatami
Ali Khatami
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Elevated Temperature Landfills; and Landfill Design & CQA

Ali Khatami, PhD, PE, LEP, CGC, is a Project Director and a Vice President of SCS Engineers. He is our National Expert on Elevated Temperature Landfills and Landfill Design/Construction Quality Assurance (CQA). He has over 40 years of research and professional experience in mechanical, structural, and civil engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Florida and a Florida Licensed Environmental Assessor (LEP). As a National Expert in Landfill Design and Construction Quality Assurance for SCS and an executive member of the corporate office in the area of solid waste management, Dr. Khatami works with various offices of SCS on complicated technical matters, provides advice to technical professionals, provides technical presentations at conferences, provides national webinars, publishes technical papers and blogs, and prepares technical training material for internal use by SCS’s professional staff.

    • Ali Khatami, PhD, PE, LEP, CGC, is a Project Director and a Vice President of SCS Engineers. He is our National Expert on Elevated Temperature Landfills and Landfill Design/CQA. He has over 40 years of research and professional experience in mechanical, structural, and civil engineering. Dr. Khatami has been involved for more than 30 years in the design and permitting of civil/solid waste/environmental projects such as, surface water management systems, drainage structures, municipal solid waste landfills, hazardous solid waste landfills, low level radioactive waste landfills, leachate and wastewater conveyance and treatment systems, gas management systems, hazardous waste impoundments, storage tank systems, waste tire processing facilities, composting facilities, material recovery facilities, landfill gas collection and disposal systems, leachate evaporator systems, and liquid impoundment floating covers.  Dr. Khatami has acquired extensive experience and knowledge in the areas of geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, hydraulics, construction methods, material science, construction quality assurance (CQA), and stability of earth systems.  Dr. Khatami has applied this experience in the siting of numerous landfills.
      Dr. Khatami has developed numerous concepts used in the design of various components of landfills and has coined terminologies for such concepts as Leachate Toe Drain System (LTDS); Rainwater Toe Drain System (RTDS); Gas Pressure Release System (GPRS) above Bottom Liner; Tiered Vertical Gas Wells (TVGW); Minimum Head Design (MHD) for Base Grades; and MHD-Herringbone Hybrid Design (Hybrid) for Base Grades.
      As a National Expert in Landfill Design, Elevated Temperature Landfills, and Construction Quality Assurance and an executive member in the area of solid waste management, Dr. Khatami works with various offices of SCS on complicated technical matters. He provides advice to technical professionals, makes technical presentations at conferences, conducts national webinars, publishes technical papers and blogs, and prepares technical training material for internal use by SCS’s professional staff.
      Dr. Khatami has been involved in the design, permitting, and construction of over 100 landfills in the United States, Europe, and Middle East.  He has significant experience in the design and construction of landfill gas collection and gas disposal systems.  Dr. Khatami has designed numerous landfills with active and passive gas collection systems, permitted several leachate evaporator systems with beneficial reuse of the landfill gas.  As the engineer of record for these facilities, Dr. Khatami has managed construction of these systems following completion of permitting.  Dr. Khatami has been extensively involved in the preparation of Title V permit applications for utility and enclosed flare systems, solar flares, and gas collection systems.
      Dr. Khatami has provided expert services to clients facing structural failure issues at their facilities, to legal counsels representing plaintiffs, to developers defending their planned projects before administrative judges, and to clients during resolution meetings with regulatory agencies.
      Dr. Khatami has significant design and construction experience with low level radioactive landfills.  Dr. Khatami performed as the resident engineer for the closure of the first geosynthetic cover system at the low level radioactive landfill in Barnwell, South Carolina.  The cover system extended over trenches that had been filled for approximately 10 years, and contained waste grades A, B, and C.  Dr. Khatami also performed as the project engineer for the design of a landfill for radioactive contaminated materials generated from the decommissioning of the Fernald Uranium Processing Facility located in Cincinnati, Ohio.  The landfill was designed to perform for a 2,000-year period.  The cross sections of the landfill and storm-water conveyance ditches were designed based on natural shapes of landforms and streams formed over thousands of years to minimize soil erosion from the landfill cover due to wind, and storm-water ditches due to water.  The leachate collection system in the landfill was designed to minimize human involvement in the operation of the landfill over the next 2,000 years.  Extensive compatibility tests were performed to evaluate effect of radioactive isotopes on the integrity of the geosynthetics used in the landfill lining system.  The landfill cover system included components to prevent animals from burrowing over the 2,000 year period.  Dr. Khatami was also involved in the permitting process for accepting hazardous waste as part of a transuranic waste being accepted at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) facility in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
      Dr. Khatami has also been involved in remediation of many hazardous waste contaminated sites. 

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Guy Lewis
Guy Lewis
Vice President

Guy Lewis has over three decades of experience working on constructing, operating, and repairing environmental pollution control facilities and remediation projects. He specializes in constructing new and expanded landfill gas (LFG) collection, flaring, and utilization systems. Much of his work involves major overhauls and repairs. LFG projects under Mr. Lewis’ direction have included landfill gas to energy facilities, compressor stations, off-site landfill gas pipelines for direct use, gas extraction well installations, collection header lines, polyethylene (PE) pipe fusion, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe installation, installation of condensate/leachate containment and collection facilities, installation of blower/flare station mechanical equipment (including concrete pads, blowers, flares, compressors, condensate tanks, pumps, flame arrestors, electrical panels, etc.), repair of landfill cover systems, erosion and sediment controls, and landfill revegetation.

    • Guy Lewis has over three decades of experience working on constructing, operating, and repairing environmental pollution control facilities and remediation projects. He specializes in constructing new and expanded landfill gas (LFG) collection, flaring, and utilization systems. Much of his work involves major overhauls and repairs. LFG projects under Mr. Lewis’ direction have included landfill gas to energy facilities, compressor stations, off-site landfill gas pipelines for direct use, gas extraction well installations, collection header lines, polyethylene (PE) pipe fusion, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe installation, installation of condensate/leachate containment and collection facilities, installation of blower/flare station mechanical equipment (including concrete pads, blowers, flares, compressors, condensate tanks, pumps, flame arrestors, electrical panels, etc.), repair of landfill cover systems, erosion and sediment controls, and landfill revegetation.
      Mr. Lewis’ construction experience also includes numerous remediation projects. These projects include underground storage tank (UST) excavation and removal, chemical and petroleum contaminated soil excavation, transportation, and disposal, construction of soil vapor extraction systems (VES), including installation of air monitoring facilities at a state Superfund site, and construction of a combination VES/biotreatment system.

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James Law
James Law
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Geotechnical

James Law is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Geotechnical Expert. He has over three decades of engineering and management experience in geotechnical engineering, solid waste management, landfill engineering, construction quality assurance (CQA) services, and subsurface soil investigation/exploration programs (including embankment and MSE Wall evaluation). He is a licensed Professional Engineer in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Idaho. He belongs to several industry organizations, including ASCE, SWANA, USGBC, and PENC. He currently serves as the President of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).

    • James Law is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Geotechnical Expert. He has over three decades of engineering and management experience in geotechnical engineering, solid waste management, landfill engineering, construction quality assurance (CQA) services, and subsurface soil investigation/exploration programs (including embankment and MSE Wall evaluation). He is a licensed Professional Engineer in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Idaho. He belongs to several industry organizations, including ASCE, SWANA, USGBC, and PENC. He currently serves as the President of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
      Mr. Law is experienced in closure design, LFG blower and flare foundation design, geotechnical and geosynthetic/soil material testing and analysis, resident/construction engineering and construction quality assurance services, project scheduling and construction cost estimate, foundation bearing/settlement analysis and design, liquefaction analysis, static and seismic slope stability analyses using STABL program, seismic permanent displacement analysis, geosynthetic reinforced slope, embankment and pavement design, writing of geotechnical soil reports, and construction completion certification reports.
      Mr. Law’s solid waste management experience also includes landfill gas collection and utilization as alternate energy, LFG equipment procurement for overseas, material recovery facilities, solid waste transfer station facilities, aerobic bioreactor landfill remediation, bioreactor slope stability analysis, leachate recirculation evaluations in obtaining RD&D permit, and many other major permit amendments for alternate bottom liner (including final cover system) and leachate collection systems through performance equivalency demonstrations using HELP and MULTIMED modeling throughout US.
      In 2012, he served as a panel judge at the US EPA’s Peer Review Panel Meeting for Grants: People, Prosperity, and the Planet – P3 – Phase II Competition in Washington D.C. for projects related to solid waste management, recycling and reused of materials, and the alternate renewable green energy sources. For the last 3 years since 2013, he served as a judge for the AAEES 2013 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science Awards E3 Competition, for entries in Research, Planning, Design, and Operations/Management categories. Other paper/publication review experience includes publishing papers at national and international conferences, as well as serving as a paper reviewer for the Editorial Board of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) on regular basis.

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Douglas Latulippe
Douglas Latulippe
Project Director, National Expert on Energy Management

Doug Latulippe is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Energy Management. He is responsible for developing and supporting SCS’s nationwide energy management and renewable energy practice. This includes work related to SCS’s air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG), and sustainability initiatives for public and private commercial businesses, industrial facility owners, real estate clients, utilities, and renewable energy project developers.

    • Doug Latulippe is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Energy Management. He is responsible for developing and supporting SCS’s nationwide energy management and renewable energy practice. This includes work related to SCS’s air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG), and sustainability initiatives for public and private commercial businesses, industrial facility owners, real estate clients, utilities, and renewable energy project developers.
      Prior to joining SCS, Doug managed energy portfolios including capital and operating budget development, power generation, demand-side project and program development, bill management and reporting, and utility incentive program management. He also performed energy audits and GHG reporting for Fortune 500 companies.
      As part of his power generation experience, he patented a solid-fuel gasification system designed for environmental mitigation and pollution control. Doug was also recognized by the EPA for his extensive work with the ENERGY STAR program.

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jose de lama
Jose De La Lama
Vice President

Jose de la Lama, PE, is a Vice President and Regional Construction Manager for SCS Field Services. He has over three decades of construction management and leadership experience. He has extensive qualifications in estimating, planning, and delivering civil projects, including landfill gas and landfill gas to energy projects. His work includes projects in the North, Central, and South America. Projects include LFGE, land development for industrial, commercial, and residential projects; office buildings; hotels, hospitals, and residential projects, as well as infrastructure projects such as roadways, irrigation canals, pipeline systems for municipal water use, storm and sanitation sewers, pump stations, underground and elevated storage facilities, water tanks, and water and sewer treatment plants.

    • Jose de la Lama, PE, is a Vice President and Regional Construction Manager for SCS Field Services. He has over three decades of construction management and leadership experience. He has extensive qualifications in estimating, planning, and delivering civil projects, including landfill gas and landfill gas to energy projects. His work includes projects in the North, Central, and South America. Projects include LFGE, land development for industrial, commercial, and residential projects; office buildings; hotels, hospitals, and residential projects, as well as infrastructure projects such as roadways, irrigation canals, pipeline systems for municipal water use, storm and sanitation sewers, pump stations, underground and elevated storage facilities, water tanks, and water and sewer treatment plants.

Michelle Leonard
Michelle Leonard
Senior Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Solid Waste Planning and Recycling

Michelle Leonard is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Solid Waste Planning & Recycling. She has over 35 years of experience in environmental consulting and project management, with emphasis in Sustainable Materials Management, including solid waste management planning and facilities. She helps public and private sector clients prepare solid waste management plans; designs and implements waste reduction, recycling, and reuse programs; and evaluates existing programs to identify opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste. She prepares plans and permits for transfer stations, material recovery facilities (MRFs), and drop-off and buy-back centers.

    • Michelle Leonard is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert in Solid Waste Planning & Recycling. She has over 35 years of experience in environmental consulting and project management, with emphasis in Sustainable Materials Management, including solid waste management planning and facilities. She helps public and private sector clients prepare solid waste management plans; designs and implements waste reduction, recycling, and reuse programs; and evaluates existing programs to identify opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste. She prepares plans and permits for transfer stations, material recovery facilities (MRFs), and drop-off and buy-back centers. She completes environmental impact assessments, facility permit applications, odor and dust control plans, and other support documents. Ms. Leonard has a strong working knowledge of solid waste management regulations and practices, and has prepared numerous successful projects to city, county, and state regulators.
      Ms. Leonard is a member of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), including International Board Past President; Past Director of SWANA’s Recycling and Special Waste Technical Division; and is on the Board of Directors of SWANA’s Southern California Founding Chapter (2009 to present). She is also a Past Director of the Southern California Waste Management Forum and Past President of the Women’s Environmental Council. She was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce as a Member of the Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee.

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J. Roy Murray
J. Roy Murray
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert: Oil & Gas

James R. Murray (JRoy), PE, is a Vice President, Manager of our Houston office, and one of our National Experts in Oil & Gas. He has four decades of experience in civil and environmental permitting, design, and construction, including municipal and industrial solid waste landfills and associated systems, liner systems, leachate collection systems, utilities, roadways, hydrologic analysis and hydraulic design including open channel systems, storm drainage pipe systems, culverts, bridges, basins, and other systems for the conveyance and control of stormwater. Mr. Murray also has extensive experience in landfill design, operation and construction, having served for over 30 years as a consultant preparing landfill expansion permit applications. Mr. Murray has served as an expert witness and provided legal support for landfill permits.

    • James R. Murray (JRoy), PE, is a Vice President, Manager of our Houston office, and one of our National Experts in Oil & Gas. He has four decades of experience in civil and environmental permitting, design, and construction, including municipal and industrial solid waste landfills and associated systems, liner systems, leachate collection systems, utilities, roadways, hydrologic analysis and hydraulic design including open channel systems, storm drainage pipe systems, culverts, bridges, basins, and other systems for the conveyance and control of stormwater. Mr. Murray has served as design and Certifying Engineer for over 50 landfill cell construction projects.
      Mr. Murray has written manuals for the operation, design and construction of municipal solid waste landfills for a Commission of Central American countries and USAID.
      Mr. Murray also has extensive experience in landfill design, operation and construction, having served for over 30 years as a consultant preparing landfill expansion permit applications. He has served as an expert witness and provided legal support for landfill permits. Mr. Murray also served as an resident engineer for several landfill facilities in Texas. Responsibilities included project management of permit amendments and modifications, compliance and construction.

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Jonathan Meronek
Jonathan Meronek
Project Manager/National Expert on Stormwater

Jonathan Meronek, IGP-TOR, QISP, ENV-SP, CPESC, QSP/D, is our National Expert on Stormwater. He is a State of California Industrial General Permit (IGP) Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP) and QISP Trainer-of-Record (ToR). He specializes in comprehensive stormwater management programs. Under the 2015 IGP, he has performed Site BMP and Pollutant Source Assessments (PSAs), written and reviewed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), and implemented Monitoring Implementation Plans (MIPs) for hundreds of facilities throughout California.

    • Jonathan Meronek, IGP-TOR, QISP, ENV-SP, CPESC, QSP/D, is our National Expert on Stormwater. He is a State of California Industrial General Permit (IGP) Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP) and QISP Trainer-of-Record (ToR). He specializes in comprehensive stormwater management programs. Under the 2015 IGP, he has performed Site BMP and Pollutant Source Assessments (PSAs), written and reviewed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), and implemented Monitoring Implementation Plans (MIPs) for hundreds of facilities throughout California.
      California. He has developed cost-effective stormwater management solutions under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for state, municipal, and private clients across a vast cross-section of industrial sectors, including recycling (metal and scrap), material recovery facilities (MRFs), landfills (including Subchapter N/ELG facilities), compost facilities, deep ocean ports, haulers and transportation facilities, asphalt batch plants, CalTrans sites, construction material facilities, petroleum bulk plants, landfill gas-to-energy (LFGE) plants, quarries, concrete and rebar manufacturers, lumber facilities, and breweries and wineries (including the fifth largest Case and Fulfilment Center in North America).
      Mr. Meronek has successfully worked with LRPs, facility managers, and attorneys to comprehensively reevaluate facilities for NPDES compliance using technology-based BPT/BCT/BAT implementation for control of pollutants in storm water discharge.
      Mr. Meronek has over 15 years of experience in the Information Technology sector, primarily as a Project Network Engineer and Systems Analyst, and 12 years of experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) utilization, mapping, spatial analysis, and cross-platform software and data applications. He used his Network and IT systems skills to transition successfully to Environmental Services by developing additional experience in a variety of environmental compliance tasks, including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) reporting, and other state-wide environmental services and solid waste projects, including providing technical expertise for several Northern California water quality/storm water projects governed by the California Storm IGP, Construction General Permit (CGP), and Caltrans Statewide General Permit (CSGP), and preparation of reports, implementation plans, technical papers, proposals, presentations, GIS application strategies, and detailed project deliverables.

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Gregory McCarron
Gregory McCarron
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Organics

Greg McCarron, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Organics. He has over 35 years of progressively responsible experience in solid waste management, including waste composition studies, solid waste planning, composting, recycling, transfer stations, waste-to-energy systems, landfill design, and landfill gas systems. His expertise is in the design, permit, construction, and operation compost systems and facilities for public and private clients.

    • Greg McCarron, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on Organics. He has over 35 years of progressively responsible experience in solid waste management, including composting, landfill gas (LFG) systems, landfill design, waste composition studies, recycling, transfer stations, and waste-to-energy systems. He is our national expert is in the design, permit, construction, and operation compost systems and facilities for public and private clients.
      His experience includes project management, design, regulatory support, construction oversight, system start-up, economic analysis, and technology assessment.
      Mr. McCarron’s experience also includes operations, project management, design, permitting, regulatory support, construction oversight, system start-up, economic analysis, and technology assessment.

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Erik Martig
Erik Martig
Project Director/National Expert: Organics

Erik Martig, CCOM, is a Project Director with 15 years of environmental experience. He is a Certified Compost Operations Manager (CCOM) responsible for managing the design of composting facilities in the southwest; business development; client service; and project management. He has technical expertise in organics processing technologies and equipment and regulatory aspects of compost siting and development.

    • Erik Martig is a Project Director with 15 years of environmental experience. He is a Certified Compost Operations Manager (CCOM) responsible for managing the design of composting facilities in the southwest; business development; client service; and project management. He has technical expertise in organics processing technologies and equipment and regulatory aspects of compost siting and development.
      Erik has toured over 30 compost facilities in the US and Canada; and he helped coordinate and teach the 2016 Compost Operations Training Course by the US Composting Council, held at UC Davis.

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Jeff Marshall
Jeff Marshall
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Emerging Contaminants and on Innovative Technologies

Jeff Marshall, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, Environmental Services Practice Leader for SCS offices in the Mid-Atlantic region, and our National Expert on Emerging Contaminants and on Innovative Technologies. His four decades of experience include a diversified background in project engineering and management, with emphasis on environmental chemistry, hazardous materials/waste and human health risk issues. Focus areas include environmental permitting, regulatory compliance, and hazardous materials treatment/remediation. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

    • Mr. Marshall is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, Environmental Services Practice Leader for SCS offices in the Mid-Atlantic region, and our National Expert on Emerging Contaminants as well as Innovative Technologies. His four decades of experience include a diversified background in project engineering and management, with emphasis on environmental chemistry, hazardous materials/waste and human health risk issues. Focus areas include environmental permitting, regulatory compliance, and hazardous materials treatment/remediation. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.
      Clients have included dozens of Department of Defense facilities (throughout the US, Panama, Japan, Puerto Rico and Italy), scores of state and local governments, municipal maintenance facilities, active and closed landfills, waste-to-energy plants, recycling facilities, airports, R&D facilities, electronics manufacturers, coal-fired and dual-fueled electric power plants and cogeneration plants, potable water treatment and distribution utilities, printing plants, plating shops, petroleum refineries and bulk storage/distribution facilities, fertilizer manufacturing plants, adhesives formulators, polymer manufacturing and extrusion lines, hospitals and healthcare facilities, aluminum extrusion and machining facilities, auto parts manufacturers, explosives manufacturers, electric motor production plants, ore refining facilities, tool manufacturers, metal and wire products manufacturers, steel mills, a lead battery recycling facility, indoor and outdoor firing ranges, nuclear fuel rod manufacturing plants, gasoline stations, dry cleaners, office parks, strip malls, agricultural facilities, pesticide/herbicide sites, a radioactive healthcare products manufacturing facility, pharmaceutical manufacturers, rail lines and railroad maintenance facilities, concrete and refractory manufacturers, and RCRA waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs).
      Prior to joining SCS in 1985, Mr. Marshall spent three years with the U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Center at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Responsibilities included the design of handling, treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal systems for the many hazardous substances (e.g., nerve gas and precursors) used and wastes generated at DOD chemical manufacturing facilities. Mr. Marshall also assisted in the preparation of NEPA Environmental Impact Statements for various chemical production facilities.

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Dana Blumberg (Murray)
Dana Blumberg (Murray)
Vice President for International Services/National Expert on Federal Services

Dana Murray Blumberg, PE, is SCS Engineers’ Vice President for International Services and our National Expert on Federal Services. She has three decades of professional experience in civil/environmental engineering, including landfill gas emissions modeling and collection system design; landfill gas energy technology evaluation, feasibility analysis, energy user outreach and analysis; landfill closures; transfer station design and construction; and stormwater hydrology and hydraulics.

    • Dana Blumberg, PE, is SCS Engineers’ Vice President for International Services and our National Expert on Federal Services. She has three decades of professional experience in civil/environmental engineering, including landfill gas emissions modeling and collection system design; landfill gas energy technology evaluation, feasibility analysis, energy user outreach and analysis; landfill closures; transfer station design and construction; and stormwater hydrology and hydraulics.
      Ms. Blumberg served as the Program Manager for SCS’s contract with the US EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). The LMOP mission is to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by beneficially capturing and utilizing the methane gas produced at landfills. In addition, she has managed multimillion-dollar design and construction projects with multiple disciplines and subcontractors.

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Monte Markley
Monte Markley
Senior Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Deep Well and Underground Injection Control and Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Monte Markley is a Senior Vice President and our National Expert for Deep Well and Underground Injection Control and for Carbon Capture and Sequestration. He also manages our Wichita office. His project experience includes engineering geology evaluations related to salt caverns, geologic isolation of fluids and compressed gasses, hydrogeological investigations at landfills and quarries, liquids management, regulatory compliance, and permitting, groundwater investigations at superfund and RCRA facilities, remedial system design, cost allocation and recovery from responsible parties. He is a Professional Geologist licensed in the state of Kansas.

    • Monte Markley is a Senior Vice President and our National Expert for Deep Well and Underground Injection Control and for Carbon Capture and Sequestration. He also manages our Wichita office. His project experience includes engineering geology evaluations related to salt caverns, geologic isolation of fluids and compressed gasses, hydrogeological investigations at landfills and quarries, liquids management, regulatory compliance, and permitting, groundwater investigations at superfund and RCRA facilities, remedial system design, cost allocation and recovery from responsible parties. He is a Professional Geologist licensed in the state of Kansas.

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Michael Miller
Michael Miller
Senior Vice President/National Environmental Services Market Leader/National Expert on Environmental Due Diligence and on Solid Waste Collection and Routing

Mike Miller, CHMM, is a Senior Vice President, National Environmental Services Market Leader, and one of our National Experts on Environmental Due Diligence and on Solid Waste Collection and Routing. He has a wide variety of experience in the environmental management and consulting field in both the private and federal sectors. Mike oversees many environmental projects across the region and coordinates environmental due diligence projects nationally including transactional due diligence, M&A due diligence, brownfield assessment and redevelopment, environmental compliance consulting, environmental permitting, and environmental remediation. His environmental background includes assessment of common special concerns related to redevelopment projects specifically, asbestos, lead-based paint, Poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and overall risk mitigation, monitoring and management.

    • Mike Miller, CHMM, is a Senior Vice President, National Environmental Services Market Leader, and one of our National Experts on Environmental Due Diligence and on Solid Waste Collection and Routing. He has a wide variety of experience in the environmental management and consulting field in both the private and federal sectors. Mike oversees many environmental projects across the region and coordinates environmental due diligence projects nationally including transactional due diligence, M&A due diligence, brownfield assessment and redevelopment, environmental compliance consulting, environmental permitting, and environmental remediation. His environmental background includes assessment of common special concerns related to redevelopment projects specifically, asbestos, lead-based paint, Poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and overall risk mitigation, monitoring and management.
      Mike provides environmental management and consulting to the private and federal sectors and develops and implements environmental health & safety (EH&S) programs and solutions at industrial facilities in the agricultural processing, chemical processing, distribution/transportation, metals, and pharmaceutical manufacturing sectors.
      Prior to joining SCS, Mr. Miller was responsible for providing environmental compliance support to Postal Service facilities in 15 Western U.S. states. In this capacity, he forecasted, negotiated, and managed an annual budget of $5,000,000. He effectively communicated environmental liabilities to senior management with regard to ongoing operations and planned capital projects, identified compliance alternatives and/or corrective actions to mitigate risk, and monitored implementation of necessary actions. Specific environmental activities included asbestos, lead-based paint, and radon gas management, underground storage tank management, environmental auditing, spill planning, stormwater management, and other regulatory compliance activities.
      Mr. Miller has also served as an environmental consultant in Omaha, Nebraska where he provided a wide array of EH&S services to various industrial clients throughout the Midwest.

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Michael McLaughlin
Michael McLaughlin
Senior Vice President/National Expert on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment

Mike McLaughlin, PE, JD, is SCS Engineers’ Senior Vice President of Environmental Services and our National Expert on Brownfields & Landfill Redevelopment. He is a licensed engineer and attorney with over 40 years of professional experience providing advice on environmental matters. He is an expert on environmental compliance, remediation, and allocation of response costs. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the Virginia State Bar Environmental Law Section, and Budget Officer of the American Bar Association’s Section of Environment, Energy and Resources (ABA SEER).

    • Mike McLaughlin, PE, JD, is SCS Engineers’ Senior Vice President of Environmental Services and our National Specialist on Brownfields & Landfill Redevelopment. He is a licensed engineer and attorney with over 40 years of professional experience providing advice on environmental matters. He is an expert on environmental compliance, remediation, and allocation of response costs. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the Virginia State Bar Environmental Law Section, and Budget Officer of the American Bar Association’s Section of Environment, Energy and Resources (ABA SEER).
      Mr. McLaughlin advises developers, contractors, lenders and land development professionals on the technical and regulatory requirements for construction on Brownfields sites nationwide. His combined engineering and legal background provides an unusual perspective on land development where hazardous wastes or other environmental challenges are present. Redevelopment of closed landfills is an area of special interest; he worked on his first such project in 1976.
      In addition to his extensive Brownfields redevelopment experience in North America, Mr. McLaughlin has worked at some three dozen Superfund National Priorities List sites in 17 states, and on scores of regulatory compliance, voluntary cleanup, and remediation projects for commercial, industrial, municipal, and military clients. He is also well-versed in liquids management.
      He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia and New Mexico, a member of the Virginia Bar, and active in the American Bar Association (Section of Environment, Energy and Resources and Waste Management Committee), the Virginia State Bar Environmental Law Section, and the Urban Land Institute.

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Eric Nelson
Eric Nelson
Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Electric Utilities

Eric Nelson is the Business Unit Director of our Upper Midwest Region. He is also a Vice President and one of our National Experts for Electric Utilities. He is an engineer and hydrogeologist with over 20 years of experience. Mr. Nelson’s diverse experience includes solid waste landfill development, soil and groundwater remediation, and brownfield redevelopment. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and Iowa.

    • Eric Nelson is the Business Unit Director of our Upper Midwest Region. He is also a Vice President and one of our National Experts for Electric Utilities. He is an engineer and hydrogeologist with over 20 years of experience. Mr. Nelson’s diverse experience includes solid waste landfill development, soil and groundwater remediation, and brownfield redevelopment. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and Iowa.
      Mr. Nelson has worked with utility clients to complete numerous projects for dry CCR landfills, CCR ponds, and general environmental monitoring and compliance. He has been involved with CCR landfill projects that include feasibility analyses and permitting of landfill expansions; hydrogeologic and geotechnical site investigations; site design and operating plans; soil borrow source identification and permitting; liner and final cover construction liner, cover, and stormwater management repairs. He has worked with utility clients to evaluate, plan, permit and complete CCR pond repairs and closures.
      Mr. Nelson’s environmental monitoring and compliance experience includes groundwater monitoring; oil containment design and construction; and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) planning. This diverse project experience has provided him the opportunity to work on challenging and innovative projects that have included design and permitting for wetland and stream mitigation, identifying and avoiding former underground mines during site design, and assessing the feasibility of installing a solar photovoltaic system on a closed CCR landfill.
      Mr. Nelson’s additional areas of expertise include remedial action planning, cost estimating, bidding and construction documents, and construction quality assurance. He has worked with electric utilities, solid waste facility owners/operators, and private property owners and developers.

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Eric Peterson
Eric Peterson
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Landfill Gas Control

Eric Peterson, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers working near Medford, New Jersey. He is also one of our National Expert on Landfill Gas Control. Eric directs landfill-gas (LFG) investigations and energy utilization studies, provides due diligence for energy and carbon emission reduction investors and designs LFG systems for energy recovery and control of emissions, odors, and migration. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in several states.

    • Eric Peterson, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers working near Medford, New Jersey. He is also one of our National Expert on Landfill Gas Control. Eric directs landfill-gas (LFG) investigations and energy utilization studies, provides due diligence for energy and carbon emission reduction investors and designs LFG systems for energy recovery and control of emissions, odors, and migration. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in several states.
      Mr. Peterson directs LFG investigations and energy utilization studies, provides due diligence for energy and carbon emission reduction investors, designs LFG systems for energy recovery and control of emissions, odors and migration, and provides training and consulting for system operations and optimization. He also is involved in bioreactor and leachate recirculation system engineering and operations consulting.
      Practice Areas
      His projects involve permitting, design, construction engineering, system start-up and trouble-shooting. He has designed over 150 LFG systems including LFG recovery systems; emissions and odor control systems; and systems to protect buildings located adjacent to and on landfills. As an expert in landfill emissions, air regulations and associated permitting and compliance requirements, he has conducted training air compliance seminars to both private waste firms and regulatory agencies.

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Lee Pyle
Lee Pyle
Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Risk Management Plans and Process Safety Management

Lee Pyle is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, the Business Unit Director of our SCS Tracer Division, and our National Expert on Risk Management Plans and Process Safety Management. Ms. Pyle serves as lead engineer on many projects and has been involved in the preparation of over 100 Risk Management and Safety Management Programs. She is a key element in the development of the Risk and Safety program at SCS Tracer Environmental, including document preparation for specific Administrating Agencies throughout the state of California and ensuring that all our risk programs are acceptable to these agencies.

    • Lee Pyle is a Vice President of SCS Engineers, the Business Unit Director of our Tracer Environmental Division, and our National Expert on Risk Management Plans and Process Safety Management. Ms. Pyle serves as lead engineer on many projects and has been involved in the preparation of over 100 Risk Management and Safety Management Programs. She is a key element in the development of the Risk and Safety program at SCS Tracer Environmental, including document preparation for specific Administrating Agencies throughout the state of California and ensuring that all our risk programs are acceptable to these agencies.
      Ms. Pyle specializes in risk programs for chemical processes – in particular, ammonia refrigeration facilities and water/wastewater treatment facilities. Ms. Pyle has developed EPA Risk Management Program submittal documentation (Risk Management Plans) for dozens of facilities, including developing Executive Summaries detailing each facility’s safety features, management structure, and potential risks associated with the process for EPA review and approval.
      Ms. Pyle has worked with industry groups to develop standardized Process Safety Management Programs (PSM) for industry members to ensure compliance with OSHA’s 1910.119 regulation (Cal-OSHA Title 8, §5189). She has also been involved in auditing facility PSM programs. Ms. Pyle’s experience includes all aspects of preparing documentation for PSM and California’s Accidental Release Prevention Program (CalARP) programs. This includes participating in Hazard and Operability Studies as the team leader, quality control, preparing qualitative risk assessments, and conducting off-site consequence analyses. Her vast experience in developing programs for numerous facilities has generated new approaches and innovative methods for managing and implementing individual PSM programs.
      Additional experience includes preparing Operations Manuals for facilities transferring bulk oil; supporting SCS Tracer’s RECLAIM and Clean Air Act Amendment – Title V permitting programs by developing potential-to-emit and actual emission profiles as well as outlining detailed process flow diagrams for industrial facilities; developing emissions inventories for natural gas storage facilities and refineries; and conducting detailed air quality inspections of industrial facilities in support of developing federal operating permits.

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Vita Quinn
Vita Quinn
Project Director/National Expert on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies

Vita Quinn is our National Expert on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies. She has over two decades of experience as a financial analyst and management consultant. She has extensive experience working for local government and has developed financial sustainability solutions for various general governments, special revenue funds, and utility enterprise funds. Ms. Quinn has an MBA in Finance, and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics.

    • Vita Quinn is our National Expert on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies. She has over two decades of experience as a financial analyst and management consultant. She has extensive experience working for local government and has developed financial sustainability solutions for various general governments, special revenue funds, and utility enterprise funds. Ms. Quinn has an MBA in Finance, and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics.
      Ms. Quinn’s utility experience includes cost apportionment and rate design for solid waste, recycling, stormwater, water, and sewer. She is also skilled in non-ad valorem assessment development and other taxing/fee programs. Other areas of expertise include fiscal impact analysis and bond feasibility analysis. With her superior financial, business, and analytical skills, she provides clients with exemplary consulting, project facilitation, and financial analysis based upon application of sound financial and economic concepts. Her capability with financial modeling, data analysis, and public engagement is enhanced by her strong skills in Microsoft Excel/VBA and PowerPoint and research methodology and techniques.

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Josh Roth
Josh Roth
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Clean Air Act-NSPS

Josh Roth, PE, is a Vice President and Project Director with the Landfill Gas (LFG) Group in the SCS Reston, VA office. He is one of SCS’s National Experts on the Clean Air Act-NSPS. Josh has served on a number of LFG engineering projects involving LFG remediation system design, emissions inventories and air permitting, migration and odor control, ambient air sampling and reporting, LFG and CER due diligence projects, GHG emission mitigation and reporting, field sampling and assessments, and general emissions control projects.

    • Josh Roth, PE, is a Vice President and Project Director with the Landfill Gas (LFG) Group in the SCS Reston, VA office. He is one of SCS’s National Experts on the Clean Air Act-NSPS. Josh has served on a number of LFG engineering projects involving LFG remediation system design, emissions inventories and air permitting, migration and odor control, ambient air sampling and reporting, LFG and CER due diligence projects, GHG emission mitigation and reporting, field sampling and assessments, and general emissions control projects.

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Sandra Ripplinger
Sandra Ripplinger
Director of Health & Safety

Sandy Ripplinger is SCS’s Director of Health & Safety and our National H&S Expert. She is a Board Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Safety Professional (CSP) with over three decades of experience providing occupational and environmental health and safety services, specializing in indoor air quality, asbestos, lead, mold, radon, and environmental site assessments. She is also a licensed asbestos building inspector, asbestos project monitor, project designer and management planner, and an EPA certified lead based paint inspector/risk assessor. Her experience includes providing industrial hygiene expertise for facility health and safety audits, process safety management audits, training, environmental evaluations involving mold, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead-based paint, lead worker exposure, OSHA worker exposure, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation surveys and exposure issues, and hazardous waste drum sampling for unknowns.

    • Sandy Ripplinger is SCS’s Director of Health & Safety and our National H&S Expert. She is a Board Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Safety Professional (CSP) with three decades of experience providing occupational and environmental health and safety services, specializing in indoor air quality, asbestos, lead, mold, radon, and environmental site assessments. She is also a licensed asbestos building inspector, asbestos project monitor, project designer and management planner, and an EPA certified lead based paint inspector/risk assessor.
      Her experience includes providing industrial hygiene expertise for facility health and safety audits, process safety management audits, training, environmental evaluations involving mold, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead-based paint, lead worker exposure, OSHA worker exposure, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation surveys and exposure issues, and hazardous waste drum sampling for unknowns.
      Her industrial hygiene and environmental consulting experience includes designing and overseeing remediation projects involving mold, asbestos, hazardous waste (metals and solvents), hazardous materials, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury, and other Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) heavy metals; conducting both area and personal industrial hygiene sampling for metals, solvents, vapors, diesel exhaust constituents, mold, asbestos, and lead; conducting environmental sampling of soil, air, and water; and providing expert witness testimony.
      Ms. Ripplinger has worked with regulators at local, state, and federal levels, and has performed hundreds of comprehensive industrial hygiene shop surveys, indoor air quality assessments, ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation, noise exposure studies, chemical exposure assessments, and workers’ compensation and environmental investigations. She has supported many government agencies, large commercial companies (mining, construction, gaming), and residential development companies across the state of Nevada, and other states.

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Justin Rauzon
Justin Rauzon
Senior Project Manager/National Expert on Environmental Due Diligence

Justin Rauzon, REPA is our National Expert on Environmental Due Diligence and is experienced in all aspects of environmental services. Fluent in Spanish, Mr. Rauzon has a diverse background in biological and environmental sciences, and regularly performs environmental assessments and compliance audits at sites in the US and in Latin America. He has technical and management experience with soil, soil vapor, and groundwater investigations at industrial, commercial, landfill, greenfield, and residential properties. He has extensive experience with environmental laws and regulations in both the U.S. and Mexico. His work experience includes all project phases, from development of cost estimates for various site assessment and cleanup programs to implementing remediation programs and interfacing with regulatory agencies.

    • Justin Rauzon, REPA is our National Expert on Environmental Due Diligence and is experienced in all aspects of environmental services. Fluent in Spanish, Mr. Rauzon has a diverse background in biological and environmental sciences, and regularly performs environmental assessments and compliance audits at sites in the US and in Latin America. He has technical and management experience with soil, soil vapor, and groundwater investigations at industrial, commercial, landfill, greenfield, and residential properties. He has extensive experience with environmental laws and regulations in both the U.S. and Mexico.
      His work experience includes all project phases, from development of cost estimates for various site assessment and cleanup programs to implementing remediation programs and interfacing with regulatory agencies.

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Jeffrey Reed
Jeffrey Reed
Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Landfill Design & CQA

Jeff Reed, PE, is the Director of our Texas region, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and one of our National Experts on Landfill Design/Construction Quality Assurance (CQA). He has over three decades of experience working predominantly on solid waste landfill projects. Project experience includes stormwater management, erosion control, hydrogeologic/hydraulic analysis, landfill and transfer station design, landfill and transfer station permitting, geosynthetic lining and cover systems, landfill leachate control, slope stability analysis, and construction quality assurance (CQA). He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas and nine other states.

    • Jeff Reed, PE, is the Director of our Texas region, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and one of our National Experts on Landfill Design/CQA. He has over three decades of experience, working predominantly on solid waste landfill projects. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.
      His project experience includes stormwater management, liquids management, erosion control, hydrogeologic/hydraulic analysis, landfill and transfer station design, landfill and transfer station permitting, geosynthetic lining and cover systems, landfill leachate control, slope stability analysis, and construction quality assurance. He has provided design and consulting services for projects at over 100 landfill facilities in 26 states across the U.S. and in Canada.
      He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Solid Waste Association of North America.

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Steven Stewart
Steven Stewart
National Expert and Director for Sustainability

Steven Stewart, PE, is our National Expert and Director for Sustainability responsible for project development and also serves as client account manager for numerous clients including those with a sustainability focus. Steven has with more two decades of experience within the Environmental Consulting and Manufacturing Industry providing strategic thinking related to project planning, regulatory strategy, and developing sustainability initiatives. His experience includes energy efficiency measures, GHG reduction, carbon sequestration, water re-use and stewardship, and solid waste minimization and recycling programs. Additional experience includes managing and performing permitting, compliance audits, developing environmental management systems, long-term environmental planning, environmental and sustainability capital projects. He also has served as Environmental Manager and Capital Projects Portfolio manager at a large steel manufacturing facility which provides valuable experience to clients when project development and planning. Mr. Stewart is a licensed Professional Engineer in Alabama and Florida.

    • Steven Stewart, PE, is our National Expert and Director for Sustainability responsible for project development and serving as client account manager for numerous clients including those with a sustainability focus. Steven has with more two decades of experience within the Environmental Consulting and Manufacturing Industry providing strategic thinking related to project planning, regulatory strategy, and developing sustainability initiatives. His experience includes energy efficiency measures, GHG reduction, carbon sequestration, water re-use and stewardship, and solid waste minimization and recycling programs. Mr. Stewart is a licensed Professional Engineer in Alabama and Florida.
      Additional experience includes managing and performing permitting, compliance audits, developing environmental management systems, long-term environmental planning, environmental and sustainability capital projects.
      He also has served as Environmental Manager and Capital Projects Portfolio manager at a large steel manufacturing facility which provides valuable experience to clients when project development and planning.

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Justin J. Stevenson
Justin J. Stevenson
Project Manager/National Expert on Landfill Gas Control

Justin Stevenson, EIT, is one of our National Experts on Landfill Gas Control. He has designed numerous landfill gas (LFG) collection and control systems, including pipe sizing and head loss calculations, phasing plans, and end-of-life plans for Title V reporting. He assists in the design and start-up of LFG flare projects and performs construction oversight for LFG collection system and for LFG flare system installation. Mr. Stevenson has a BSE in Mechanical Engineering.

    • Justin Stevenson, EIT, is one of our National Experts on Landfill Gas Control. He has designed numerous landfill gas (LFG) collection and control systems, including pipe sizing and head loss calculations, phasing plans, and end-of-life plans for Title V reporting. He assists in the design and start-up of LFG flare projects and performs construction oversight for LFG collection system and for LFG flare system installation. Mr. Stevenson has a BSE in Mechanical Engineering.

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Alex Stege
Alex Stege
Vice President/Senior Project Advisor/National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling

Alex Stege is a Vice President, Senior Project Advisor, and SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling. He leads SCS’s non-regulatory landfill gas (LFG) recovery modeling services to support LFG-to-Energy and high-Btu methane utilization project development. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Stege developed and refined SCS’s U.S. LFG recovery model that leverages our companywide expertise in LFG collection to assess methane recovery more accurately. This model uses a database of over 1,300 years of measured LFG flows and SCS assessments of collection system performance at over 250 landfills to empirically define LFG model input assumptions. Mr. Stege has prepared domestic and international LFG modeling/due diligence studies for hundreds of landfills in the United States and around the world for the USEPA, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, landfill owners, municipalities, and LFG project developers.

    • Alex Stege is a Vice President, Senior Project Advisor, and SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling. He leads SCS’s non-regulatory landfill gas (LFG) recovery modeling services to support LFG-to-Energy and high-Btu methane utilization project development. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Stege developed and refined SCS’s U.S. LFG recovery model that leverages our companywide expertise in LFG collection to assess methane recovery more accurately. This model uses a database of over 1,300 years of measured LFG flows and SCS assessments of collection system performance at over 250 landfills to empirically define LFG model input assumptions. Mr. Stege has prepared domestic and international LFG modeling/due diligence studies for hundreds of landfills in the United States and around the world for the USEPA, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, landfill owners, municipalities, and LFG project developers.
      Mr. Stege also trains SCS staff on LFG modeling and is responsible for the ongoing development of SCS’s domestic and international LFG models. SCS has an advanced LFG modeling practice due in large part to Mr. Stege’s work.
      Mr. Stege frequently presents on the application of LFG models to evaluate landfill methane generation and recovery at conferences hosted by organizations such as LMOP (numerous conferences); the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Partnership [including Expos in China, India, and Canada]; the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA); the Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF); the Global Waste Management Symposium; and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). He has authored numerous international LMOP/GMI LFG models, and has provided training on their use. He has served as the Chairman of SWANA’s Generation and Modeling Committee for over a decade.

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Ketan Shah
Ketan Shah
National Expert on Life Cycle Analysis

Dr. Shah is our National Expert on Life Cycle Analysis. He is experienced in life cycle analysis modeling and environmental and solid waste engineering, and provides engineering support for design, permitting, construction management, and reporting for landfill projects in the northwest US, including GCCS system design, construction, and regulatory compliance. He is responsible for regulatory compliance of several sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) throughout the state of Washington and Alaska. Projects include life cycle analysis, wastewater treatment, sewer water sampling, air dispersion modeling, air pollution control methods, solid waste management contract specifications, landfill facility design for scientific disposal of waste.

    • Dr. Shah is our National Expert on Life Cycle Analysis. He is experienced in life cycle analysis modeling and environmental and solid waste engineering, and provides engineering support for design, permitting, construction management, and reporting for landfill projects in the northwest US, including GCCS system design, construction, and regulatory compliance. He is responsible for regulatory compliance of several sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) throughout the state of Washington and Alaska. Projects include life cycle analysis, wastewater treatment, sewer water sampling, air dispersion modeling, air pollution control methods, solid waste management contract specifications, landfill facility design for scientific disposal of waste.
      Dr. Shah is experienced in life cycle assessment, environmental systems modeling, optimization, and solid waste management systems he has developed an interest in a comparative statistical analysis between developed and developing countries Solid waste decision-support and decision-making tools with optimization framework. He is skilled at statistical interpretation of large and complicated data sets, project design and implementation, and economic forecasting and analysis. Highly skilled at preparing and delivering presentations to a variety of audiences: executive, technical, and regulatory.
      Dr. Shah is responsible for overseeing SCS’s northwest region solid waste management practice, which includes landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, operation and maintenance, and construction. Dr. Shah works closely with SCS’s regional clients. He has completed solid waste, environmental assessment, facility design, compliance audit, and other environmental study projects for municipal and private clients.

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Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
Project Director/National Expert on Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting

Mike Schmidt is a Project Director in our Suffern, NY, office and our National Expert in Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting. He is an accomplished leader with nearly 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting and environmental insurance industries, with specific experience focusing on the evaluation of environmental risks and liabilities associated with insurance claims and underwriting, site investigation and remediation, due diligence, project management, and marketing. Mr. Schmidt is responsible for the growth and management of our environmental services practice in the greater New York area.

    • Mike Schmidt is a Project Director in our Suffern, NY, office and our National Expert in Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting. He is an accomplished leader with nearly 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting and environmental insurance industries, with specific experience focusing on the evaluation of environmental risks and liabilities associated with insurance claims and underwriting, site investigation and remediation, due diligence, project management, and marketing. Mr. Schmidt is responsible for the growth and management of our environmental services practice in the greater New York area.
      Mr. Schmidt has planned, managed and executed dozens of investigations involving multiple media (i.e., soil, groundwater, surface water) and contaminants at a wide-variety of sites located throughout the eastern seaboard of the US. These sites have ranged in size and complexity from residential properties, to commercial/industrial facilities, to major military bases.
      Specific projects involved environmental activities associated with underground storage tank (UST) and above-ground storage tank (AST) releases, dry cleaners, ISRA closures, historic fill, linear project corridors, a variety of commercial and industrial sites, and Brownfields sites, including the management and oversight of the remediation of the most heavily arsenic-contaminated site in New Jersey. Remedial actions have included soil excavation, pump and treat, air sparging and soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE), and innovative soil stabilization methodology.
      Mr. Schmidt has significant due diligence experience conducting and managing Phase I and Phase II ESAs and other environmental assessments of residential, commercial and industrial properties throughout the NY/NJ metropolitan area for real estate companies, lending institutions, developers, and private individuals. Mr. Schmidt meets the definition of an Environmental Professional (EP) under the EPA All Appropriate Inquiries regulations (40 CFR 312).

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Melissa Schick
Melissa Schick
Project Manager/National Expert on Government Grants

Melissa Schick is responsible for helping grow SCS’s Environmental Services team and our Brownfields redevelopment practice in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic markets. She is also one of our National Experts on Government Grants. Her expertise includes proposal development, helping public and private-sector clients navigate state and federal brownfields redevelopment and voluntary cleanup programs; overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants; executing and supporting programmatic management of brownfields grants, leading community engagement events; and delivering brownfields redevelopment project management, strategic vision, and leadership. She has a Master of Public Administration degree.

    • Melissa Schick is responsible for helping grow SCS’s Environmental Services team and our Brownfields redevelopment practice in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic markets. She is also one of our National Experts on Government Grants. Her expertise includes proposal development, helping public and private-sector clients navigate state and federal brownfields redevelopment and voluntary cleanup programs; overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants; executing and supporting programmatic management of brownfields grants, leading community engagement events; and delivering brownfields redevelopment project management, strategic vision, and leadership.
      Her experience includes preparing successful brownfields grant applications; implementing and completing brownfields redevelopment projects; coordinating with private developers, regulatory agencies, community leaders and other partners; completing reporting requirements; developing proposals and work orders; project management, including manpower resource allocation, scheduling, budgets, invoicing, and progress reports; and communicating with stakeholders, regulators, and clients. Additional responsibilities include managing site information in the ACRES database, submitting quarterly and annual reports, and preparing closeout documents for submittal to USEPA.

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Paul Schafer
Paul Schafer
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management

Paul Schafer, CIEC, VETC, is a Vice President, Project Director and our National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management. During his technical career at SCS and SCS Tracer Environmental, Mr. Schafer has served in key roles on several nationally significant monitoring efforts. He has in-depth experience interfacing with regulatory agencies regarding the performance of monitoring systems, source emission tests, and continuous process monitors which are operated for our clientele.

    • Paul Schafer, CIEC, VETC, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management. During his technical career at SCS and SCS Tracer Environmental, Mr. Schafer has served in key roles on several nationally significant monitoring efforts. He has in-depth experience interfacing with regulatory agencies regarding the performance of monitoring systems, source emission tests, and continuous process monitors which are operated for our clientele. He has had direct working experience with the San Luis Obispo County APCD, San Joaquin Valley APCD, Imperial County APCD, South Coast AQMD, Santa Barbara APCD, San Diego County APCD, California Air Resources Board, EPA Region IX, and the General Services Administration regarding monitoring programs and air quality impact assessments. He is also experienced in liquids management.
      Mr. Schafer offers decisive management skills, which contribute to the success of monitoring programs under his purview. Cost control management and defensible technical performance are primary goals integral to all of the long-term monitoring programs that he manages. Mr. Schafer has developed close business relationships with manufacturers and vendors in the ambient air quality monitoring field.

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Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Senior Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Clean Air Act - NSPS and on Odor Management

Pat Sullivan, BCES, CPP, REPA, is a Senior Vice President and the Business Unit Director of our Southwest Region, encompassing California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. Pat is a Harvard-degreed scientist, a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA), Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES), Certified Permitting Professional (CPP) in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), and an accredited Lead Verifier under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) AB 32 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) programs. He is our National Expert on the Clean Air Act and the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) and on Odor Management. He has over three decades of professional experience, all with SCS. He is active in 12 industry organizations, including the National Waste and Recycling Association (NW&RA), Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA).

    • Pat Sullivan, BCES, CPP, REPA, is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and the Business Unit Director of our Southwest Region, encompassing California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. He is our National Expert on the Clean Air Act and the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). He also serves as the Practice Leader for SCS’s Solid Waste Practice in the Southwest, and he oversees companywide GHG and Risk Assessment programs. Mr. Sullivan has over three decades of environmental engineering experience (all with SCS), specializing in solid waste management and other environmental issues.
      Mr. Sullivan also oversees SCS’s company-wide GHG and Risk Assessment programs and is one of the national experts on risk assessment and toxic exposure issues for solid waste facilities. He is a Senior Vice President and Member of the Company’s Management Advisory Committee.
      He is the Principal-in-Charge for projects related to air quality permitting and compliance, GHG emissions and climate change, LFG engineering and compliance, facility investigation and risk assessment, redevelopment of impacted properties, and soil and groundwater investigations at solid waste and other industrial facilities, as well as related engineering services. Mr. Sullivan has published and/or presented over 150 technical papers and/or presentations in industry journals, publications, conferences, seminar, and workshops.
      He has worked closely with regulatory agencies on the federal, state and local level. His expertise has been developed managing large-scale contracts, programs, and projects on a state and national level. His management experience includes managing professional and field staff and all aspects of operational performance, customer service, and project management. He has an extensive knowledge of regulatory permitting and compliance. His Real Estate training has been pivotal in large scale property acquisitions, divestitures, and development in the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.

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James Thompson
James Thompson
Project Manager/National Expert in Oil & Gas

James Thompson is a Project Manager and one of our National Experts in Oil & Gas. He is experienced with hydrogen production and fueling facilities, oil and gas production plans, Spill Prevention and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC), Underground Injection Control (UIC), midstream pipeline projects, miscellaneous commercial projects, cannabis cultivation and processing facilities, as well as surface and groundwater compliance. He is a permitting specialist and provides land use planning, air and water quality analysis, environmental review, geologic consulting, mapping, and technical writing for a broad variety of proposed or operating industrial and commercial facilities.

    • James Thompson is a Project Manager and one of our National Experts in Oil & Gas. He is experienced with hydrogen production and fueling facilities, oil and gas production plans, Spill Prevention and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC), Underground Injection Control (UIC), midstream pipeline projects, miscellaneous commercial projects, cannabis cultivation and processing facilities, as well as surface and groundwater compliance. He is a permitting specialist and provides land use planning, air and water quality analysis, environmental review, geologic consulting, mapping, and technical writing for a broad variety of proposed or operating industrial and commercial facilities.
      Mr. Thompson previously worked as a production geologist for an energy company and was responsible for maintaining and enhancing oil production in an oilfield in California. His responsibilities included developing 3D subsurface models, structure contour maps, isopach maps, cross sections, and geophysical models for reservoir characterization. He also evaluated geophysical logs during drilling operations and determined well completions. Additional experience includes creating net reservoir thickness maps, property maps, and production maps.
      As a well site geologist in Kansas, Mr. Thompson was responsible for examining rock cuttings during drilling of production wells, including creating mud-logs and characterizing reservoirs. He also mapped potential drill sites for production wells.

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Kerim Temel
Kerim Temel
Project Director/National Expert on Liquids Management

Kerim Temel, PE, is a Project Director and one of our National Experts in Liquids Management. He is experienced in municipal and industrial wastewater, leachate treatment, groundwater remediation, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M). He has significant experience treating complex wastewater such as those from landfill leachate (including removal of Perfluoroalkyl Substances [PFAS]), pharmaceuticals, and chemicals industries. His expertise includes alternative evaluations, planning and design, troubleshooting, characterization, treatability testing, confirmation testing, system evaluations, startup and training, and process design.

    • Kerim Temel, PE, is a Project Director and one of our National Experts in Liquids Management. He is experienced in municipal and industrial wastewater, leachate treatment, groundwater remediation, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M). He has significant experience treating complex wastewater such as those from landfill leachate (including removal of Perfluoroalkyl Substances [PFAS]), pharmaceuticals, and chemicals industries. His expertise includes alternative evaluations, planning and design, troubleshooting, characterization, treatability testing, confirmation testing, system evaluations, startup and training, and process design.
      Additionally, he has managed numerous biological and physical/chemical wastewater treatability and process design projects for pharmaceuticals and landfills.

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gary vancil
Gary Vancil
Project Director/National Expert Mining

Gary Vancil is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Mining. He is a geologist with decades of experience in deep well injection and carbon sequestration, and mining surface and subsurface investigations, including coal mining operations. His geological experience includes mine planning, mine management, hazard identification, mapping, drilling, permitting, refuse disposal, quality control and electrical/mechanical troubleshooting. His core competencies include due diligence, AutoCAD/Carlson, reserve analysis, drilling/logging, environmental compliance, permitting, underground mapping, mine planning, and impoundments. He has a Master of Science degree in Geology.

    • Gary Vancil is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Mining. He is a geologist with decades of experience in deep well injection and carbon sequestration, and mining surface and subsurface investigations, including coal mining operations. His geological experience includes mine planning, mine management, hazard identification, mapping, drilling, permitting, refuse disposal, quality control and electrical/mechanical troubleshooting. His core competencies include due diligence , AutoCAD/Carlson, reserve analysis, drilling/logging, environmental compliance, permitting, underground mapping, mine planning, and impoundments. He has a Master of Science degree in Geology.

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Eric Williams
Eric Williams
Project Director and National Expert on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment

Eric Williams is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment. He has four decades of experience in the environmental industry as a senior executive and project director, including all facets of environmental consulting focusing on serving public and private sector clients facing the complex issues associated with environmentally-challenged real estate. Eric has particularly deep experience with redevelopment of brownfield properties, having spent almost half of his career as a developer of brownfield sites.

    • Eric Williams is a Project Director and one of our National Experts on Brownfields and Landfill Redevelopment. He has four decades of experience in the environmental industry as a senior executive and project director, including all facets of environmental consulting focusing on serving public and private sector clients facing the complex issues associated with environmentally-challenged real estate. Eric has particularly deep experience with redevelopment of brownfield properties, having spent almost half of his career as a developer of brownfield sites.

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Jim Walsh SCS Engineers CEO
James Walsh
Chairman of the Board/National Expert on Elevated Temperature Landfills

Jim Walsh, PE, BCEE, is the Chairman of the Board of SCS Engineers effective January 1, 2024. He served as our President and CEO for 22 years and is one of our National Experts on Elevated Temperature Landfills. He has worked at the forefront of sustainable solid waste management, sanitary landfills, and landfill gas (LFG) for more than 40 years. Mr. Walsh regularly serves as a Project Director and Reviewing Principal for SCS landfill and LFG projects. His project experience, coupled with his involvement in professional and industrial associations, has earned Mr. Walsh an international reputation in these specialty fields. He has authored numerous publications and technical support documents and presents regularly at environmental conferences.

    • Jim Walsh, PE, BCEE, is the Chairman of the Board of SCS Engineers effective January 1, 2024. He served as our President and CEO for 22 years and is one of our National Experts on Elevated Temperature Landfills. He has worked at the forefront of sustainable solid waste management, sanitary landfills, and landfill gas (LFG) for more than 40 years. Mr. Walsh regularly serves as a Project Director and Reviewing Principal for SCS landfill and LFG projects. His project experience, coupled with his involvement in professional and industrial associations, has earned Mr. Walsh an international reputation in these specialty fields. He has authored numerous publications and technical support documents and presents regularly at environmental conferences.
      Practice Areas Have Included:
      Leadership in Landfill Engineering. Over 40 years of professional experience on landfill projects. He served as Project Manager and primary author of the U.S. EPA landfill manual. He served as Project Manager and Chief Investigator on several U.S. EPA landfill R&D efforts relating to leachate, gas, and liner/cap performance. He has been engaged on over 100 landfill design and permitting projects, including sites with double composite liner systems. He has managed or directed several successful greenfield and landfill expansion permits with individual design capacities in excess of 25 million tons of solid waste.
      Leadership in Landfill Gas. Over 40 years of professional experience on landfill gas (LFG) projects. Past Director of the leading LFG professional organization, the SWANA Landfill Gas Division. Received top award in landfill gas practice, the SWANA Landfill Gas Distinguished Service Award in 1997. He has served as Principal Investigator multiple landfill gas R&D projects for U.S. EPA, U.S. DOE, and Gas Research Institute. He has authored numerous publications and technical support documents in LFG. He has presented dozens of times on LFG at environmental conferences. He has been engaged as chief design engineer, Principal Investigator, or Project Manager on over 300 landfill gas projects over the years. Landfill gas related subjects have included gas migration and control, energy recovery, odor management, and compliance with air and solid waste rules including CAA, NSPS, Title V, NSR, PSD, NESHAP, and Subtitle D.
      Leadership on Landfill Fire and Elevated Temperature Landfills. Principal investigator or chief engineer on over thirty dedicated landfill fire and elevated temperature landfill projects. He has provided guidance to landfill operators to avoid landfill fires. He has investigated landfill fires in-situ, and developed management and mitigation programs to address landfill fires and related events when they do occur. He has presented at environmental conferences on the subject of landfill fires. He served on the Ohio EPA Committee formed to address landfill fires and elevated temperature landfills in the state, and assisted in the development of the Ohio EPA Guidance Document on the subject.

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