John Rockhold

John Rockhold

John Rockhold has over 30 years of hydrogeology and environmental services experience. He provides project management, which includes supervising a diverse team of environmental professionals made up of geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, chemists and biologists. Duties include marketing, client contact, work scope development, proposal preparation, cost estimation, regulatory negotiations, work assignments, technical support and review as well as project management and review.
Mr. Rockhold’s technical responsibilities are primarily with geologic and hydrogeologic investigations, groundwater monitoring, remedial investigations, remedial design, solid waste services,. Duties include data acquisition and analysis; hydrogeologic modeling; soil and groundwater monitoring and site characterization; remedial design; and, landfill design and permitting,. Representative projects include utility waste impoundments and landfill; Subtitle D landfill design and permitting, environmental site assessments and audits, hydrogeologic and geotechnical site investigations, remedial design and implementation, discharge permitting and complex hydrogeological evaluations.

Mr. Rockhold’s technical responsibilities are primarily with solid waste services, geologic and hydrogeologic investigations, remedial investigations, and remedial design. Duties include data acquisition and analysis; landfill design and permitting, hydrogeologic modeling; soil and groundwater characterization; and remedial design. Representative projects include Subtitle D landfill design and permitting, environmental site assessments and audits, hydrogeologic and geotechnical site investigations, remedial design and implementation, discharge permitting and complex hydrogeological evaluations.